| chapter one |

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"I'M COMING, BABE!" The pinkette with green ends skipped over to her more... quiet soulmate, happiness radiating from her very being, "What's up?"

"You can't leave me to clean up all by myself," Shōta Aizawa groaned, donning a black sleeve-less tee that hung off of his shoulder the slightest bit, hair curling down his back, and lumpy sweatpants sticking to his legs. "You did make half the mess."

The two were cleaning up after Ariel had instigated a food fight- it had ended with Shota on top of her, arms pinned to the ground as she stared up at him teasingly.

As per usual.

"Fine," Ariel Hitoka whined,  bright green eyes flashing with eagerness as she changed the subject briskly, grabbing a cup, "I still can't believe that All Might's going to teach at UA too!"

"You're back at that? Yeah, well," Shōta set the plates he was holding down in the sink with a dull thud, grimacing slightly, "The only thing I see from this is more villains paying attention to UA. Perfect."

"Well, I'm glad that you and I get to teach at the same time as him," Ariel ignored her soulmate's groans, "Oh- hold on... you don't want him to teach because you're afraid of him upstaging you?"

"You're impossible, you know that?" Shōta stiffened, then regained his composure before Ariel popped behind him, sticking her chin on his shoulder teasingly as she looked at him with adoration swimming in her eyes.

"Yes I am," She giggled, "But i'm so insanely proud of you, babe!" The woman pecked his lips chastely, giving his hand a squeeze, "I can't wait to see you at work!"

"As am I, my love," Shōta smiled softly; the man rarely let down his boundaries, and it took even his soulmate 4 years before he finally let her in his walls.

Then again, he did propose only several months ago.

【- - -】

(Three months ago)

"The beach is always so beautiful at night," Ariel gushed happily, beaming brighter then the stars that spread throughout the night sky, "Thank you so much for this, Sho."

"Of—of course, my love."

Ariel frowned at his slight stutter, "Are you feeling alright? You've been off lately—"

"I'm fine, thanks," He snapped back at her, hair rustling in the ponytail he'd tamed it in.

"Well, I have something to, to show you," Ariel's confidence was slowly slipping, "May—maybe to make you feel better?"

"Go for it."

He was closing himself off again; Ariel didn't know why, but she wouldn't let him. Not ever again.

Oh, how wrong she was.

But no matter; back to the story, yes?

The 26 year old inhaled the clear air, her bottom lip trembling, before she kneeled, legs sinking into the sand.

Shōta blanched, stumbling back a bit.

Ariel used her quirk, intent on doing what she'd planned from the start. Slowly, the coral from the ocean rose up, towering before the two of them on the beach as it curled protectively around them.

Ariel knew all to well about Shota's social anxiety; she was happy to indulge in anything she could to make him feel safe. And anything meant anything, really.

"Shota Aizawa," Ariel looked down, holding back her nervous tears, "I want to give you this. To pledge my love for you."

The girl breathed in, shuddering as coral encapsulated the two with the bright green and soft pink aura, calming her.

Ariel reached into her pocket, eyes closed, and withdrew a small box.

She offered it to the silent man, who was still silent. Neither soulmate said a word.

"I've wanted to give this to you for a while, so- so would you take this promise ring?" Ariel finally looked at him, eyes shimmering with tears in her eyes as she tried to take the next step into their relationship, "And be mine?"

The man's eyes widened, looking around frantically for an escape; how could this have gone so horribly wrong?

He didn't understand that it was okay; he couldn't. Everything was collapsing in on him, everything was clouding his vision, ev-


Shota flinched back, but he didn't. Somewhere along the line his quirk had realized he was overthinking it and going back to his panic stage, and ordered his body to accept the box with a soft smile.

"I have something for you, Ariel," Shota's mental state was shaking his head frantically, trying to put off what he'd wanted to do for so long, simply because he was afraid of the rejection from the woman he loved.

He loved her.

But he was scared.

His quirk, however, wasn't as frightened of the rejection; and slowly made his body reform.

Shota got on one knee, the man in tears as he shakily withdrew his own velvety box, hands shaking- his brain was in control of his body now.

And no matter what he wanted to do, internally, he knew that he was making the right choice.

"Ariel Hitoka," The man stared into the girl's shimmering eyes, "I love you. We've gone through so much together, and- and you've seen my baggage, yet you've stayed by my side- and I've seen yours and- and I've made mistakes. And I'm sorry. I p-I promise to love you always and forever, and I want to start that journey with you by asking you to marry me."

"You're the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning," He continued, "You're the stars in the sky, you're the reflection of the sunset in the water, you're- you're the last thing I think of at night. And I always find myself hoping and praying that you're alright when you're not with me."

"I-" Shota swallowed, body curling into himself, "I love you so, impossibly, much, Ariel. I want to be yours, more then anything in this world. I want you to have me."

"You already have my heart, and I want you to have the rest of me."

"I- I want to marry you."

The girl's hand was on her mouth, her body shaking slightly as tears rolled down her face in a steady stream.

Ever since she was a girl, she'd dreamed of this day. She'd dreamt of her Prince Charming, or maybe her Princess Charming, and she'd dreamt about them picking her up and taking her away to love her forever.

She hadn't expected her Prince to have long black hair, a scruffy chin, deep and dark eyes, and forever live in a yellow sleeping bag, yet there was something different about him.

He loved her more then any Prince or Princess Charming alike would.

And she loved him too.

"I love you too, Shota. And yes."

"I want to marry you t-too."

The two rejoiced that night, happier then anyone in the world.

For nothing was better then love; not all the riches in the world.

The sea's spirits looked fondly up at their heir and her new fiancé, and rejoiced as well.

All was as it should be.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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