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Amelia walks into her dorm room to see Skylar sitting on her bed reading.

"Hey dumbass get up."


"Cause you need to get dressed, then grab a bag, we're going out later so you'll need a change of clothes. Once you're done with that go Lucas and tell him the same. Meet me in the cafeteria in an hour."

"You're bloody demanding this for why."

"This is for some fun" Ameilia said with a wink

Skylar got up and did as Amy said. Amy knew she was going to be trying on clothes so she decided to go simple. A cute black and blue plaid mini skirt. And a Ariana Grande concert shirt. She put her Docs on and packed her bag for the club later. Putting her docs on she headed to the lavatory to put on the final touches. She put on mascara, and a pretty rose colored lipstick. Her final touches were a chain Skylar had gotten her last year, she put it around her skirt, and for her hair she grabbed Skyler's silver clip, and put it in her hair.

With her bag packed she headed to the cafeteria to wait for her friends. She was quietly waiting when she saw Oliver sitting on the bench with a girl. All of the sudden all Amy felt was pure rage. She was transported back to last summer. Her heart was racing. She wanted to cry, scream and burn something all at the same time.

Instead of doing something stupid she grabed a pice of parchment from a fellow dancer and scribled a message to James.

Amelia walked to James's room, put the parchment right on the floor in front of the door, and then walked away, well she actually ran more. Tears rolled down her burning hot face. She was not gonna let anyone see her cry. So she went to the only place she knew no one could find.

Amelia was panting when she got to her spot. She sat down and put her knees to her chest. She started breathing heavily and just let the tears roll down her cheek. Images were flashing back to last year and it was all too much she just didn't know what to do anymore.


Amelia was standing in the hospital wing of BeauxBatons pacing. Skylar was there crying into Lucas's arm, Allyssa and Niall just showed up and Ally started hugging Amy. Right then Oliver walked into the hospital wing and before anyone could get a word in Niall's fist was in his face. There was rucas before the nurses broke it up with a stunning spell.

"Now everyone behaves before I call the Headmaster over here."

Oliver breaks the silence "How is she"

"Like you would care" Lucas claps back

The Nurse sighs "Mellisa is pretty banged up she suffered from stunning spells, a couple jinx, then the final straw was when her assailant punched and kicked her mercilessly"

"By assailant you mean Olivia" I spoke up

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means Oli that your sister has always hated Mellissa, and she has definitely started to hate her once she found out that your girlfriend was muggle born. You know that she is anti muggle born witches. So Oli I mean out of everyone one here at BeauxBatons Livi has the most reason to beat Meli up" Amy let out a heavy sigh and walked away.

After that Olivia continued to roam around school like nothing happened, which made Melissa so upset that she left BeauxBatons and has basically shut everyone out.


Amelia was awoken from her flashback by arms wrapped around her. She looks to see her brother hugging her from behind. She smiled, her brother was the one person she could always rely on, but at the same time couldn't. They were so close until Amelia left for BeuaxBatons then they didn't see each other much. She still loved him no matter what he never judged her and somehow he always knew what was going on inside her head.

"Found ya"

"Hey James"

"Hey don't sound so sad, everything is good"

"But it's not everythi..."

"It is good, I'm here, you're going to come back to Hogwarts, you're gonna meet new people and you're gonna be happy. Everything is good ok" He kisses Amelia's head.

"Thank You"

With a hug they get up and walk back to the campground. 

Quick Note : Nicknames

Melissa - Meli

Allyssa - Ally

Amelia - Amy

Skylar - Sky

Oliver and Olivia - Oli and Livi

Spencer - Spence

James - Jamsie/ Prongs

Sirius - Siri /Padfoot

Remus - Remy/ Moony

Peter - Wormtail

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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