Chapter 118: Getting Michael and Aria

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In Marinette's room, Ladybug and Black Panther go through the balcony and land on her bed, Marinette de-transform, and Tikki hovers next to her, she feeds Tikki a macaroon and she gets the miracle box and opened it.

In Marinette's room, Ladybug and Black Panther go through the balcony and land on her bed, Marinette de-transform, and Tikki hovers next to her, she feeds Tikki a macaroon and she gets the miracle box and opened it

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Black Panther: Think you know who can do this one?

Marinette: Think so. *She grabbed the Bat ear wrap and the Squirrel barrette.* Here. I'm trusting Michael and Aria.

Black Panther: Why them?

Marinette: Just faith in people who I'll trust in the future.

Black Panther: Think they're up for it?

Marinette: We don't have a choice. I'll get them, you go back out there and deal with Giganta.

Black Panther: How about I get them?

Marinette: You want them to know that their big brother is a superhero?

Black Panther: Good point, you get them.

Marinette: Why do you have to be so confusing sometimes? *She rubbed his head.* It's adorable.

Black Panther: I don't know.

Marinette: Do you know where they're at?

Black Panther: At home.

Marinette: Okay.

Black Panther: See you out there. *He kisses her on the cheek and leaves her room.*

Tikki: They can do it?

Marinette: If I trust Luka and Juleka with a miraculous, I trust them too. This is only a one-time thing.

Tikki: I agree.

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! *She transforms into Ladybug, goes up to her balcony, throws her yoyo out, and swings to the Liberty houseboat. Outside, Michael and Aria were walking to the ice cream parlor.*

Aria: I thought Andre sells ice cream.

Michael: That's the lovey-dovey ice cream for couples. I saw an ice cream parlor down the street we can try.

Aria: I hope they have good flavors. *Soon, a lamp post fell in front of them, and Aria hide behind Michael.* What was that? *Michael looked behind him and see Giganta, she throw all types of stuff, they evade the objects being thrown at them, and Ladybug leap into action and protect them.*

Michael: Ladybug?

Ladybug: Hold on. I'll get you both to safety. *They landed on top of a building.*

Michael: What was that?

Ladybug: It's a villain, we're dealing with. But we need help dealing with her.

Aria: Really?

Ladybug: Think you two can help out?

Michael: What can we do?

Ladybug: First, this. *She opened her yoyo and get the Bat miraculous out.* Michael Couffaine, this is the miraculous of the Bat. Which grants the power of Vibration. You will use it for the greater good. *Michael take the Bat ear wrap, he put on the ear wrap and a blue-violet light appeared and a Bat appeared.*

Nixx: Hiya, champ

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Nixx: Hiya, champ. My name's Nixx.

Michael: Whoa. A bat.

Nixx: Close. I'm a Bat kwami. I grant you the power of vibration. And I make you a superhero.

Michael: Even cooler.

Ladybug: Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?

Michael: Sure thing, Ladybug.

Nixx: You just need to say one thing: "Nixx, Nightfall!"

Michael: Nixx, nightfall! *His ear wrap glowed blue-violet and his wings turned purple, he slide his hands and a blue-violet mask appeared across his eyes, he push his hair back and bat ears appeared, he stretch his right arm out and bat super-suit sleeve appeared and down to his feet, a pair of bat wings appeared, then a blue-violet light appeared, it was a gitten, he strummed it, turn once and hold his gitten like he's playing it.*

???: Too cool.

Aria: Wow.

Ladybug: And for you... *She opened her yoyo and get the keyring out and hold it out to Aria.* Aria Coffaine, here is the miraculous of the Squirrel. Which grants the power of perception. You will use it for the greater good.

Aria: Wow. *She take the barrette and a tan color light appeared, Aria gasped and a Squirrel appeared.*

Quinn: Chip, chip

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Quinn: Chip, chip. Hi, my name is Quinn and I am your kwami.

Arai: Aww, a little squirrel. How cute. *Quinn giggled.*

Ladybug: Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?

Aria: Yes, Ladybug.

Quinn: Then all you have to say is "Quinn, collect the nuts."

Aria: Quinn, collect the nuts! *Quinn goes in the barrette and the color brown, beige, and dark brown of an acorn appeared, she did a handstand and bends over backward and a Squirrel super-suit, she flipped her hair and they're in buns, she slides her hands across her eyes and a brown mask appeared, a tail appeared behind her, she stretches her hand out and a cane appeared, she twirled the cane, swing it, did a backflip and a super jump, and he lifts her right knee back.*

???: Wow.

Ladybug: And you two like to go by?

Bat Boy: Bat Boy.

Miss Nuts: Miss Nuts.

Ladybug: Let's go. *They head down and help the others.*

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