Chapter 30: Heroes vs Dino Whisperer

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In the Museum, people start evacuating the Louvre and the heroes run across and face the Dinosaurs.

Dino Whisperer: You finally showed up. I wonder what the hold-up was.

Blue Feather: Not that it's any of your business.

Flora: Call off your pets or we won't go easy on you.

Dino Whisperer: What's the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah. *He twirls his scepter and points it out.* Make me! *He starts firing, but they evade and dodge the blows, and Dinosaurs start roaring and stomping all over the place. They came together. White Fang lift her spear and made a moon shield appear and protect them all.* You think your little dome will protect you from me? Well, think again. Brachiosaurus, get them! *Brachiosaurus goes to the shield and starts stomping on it, the shield starts to crack a little bit.*

White Fang: This shield can't hold much longer! *The cracks are getting bigger and bigger.*

Flora: We're caught between them. *Dino Whisperer laughs evilly.*

Ladybug: Gotta shake him loose somehow.

Dino Whisperer: Having a little trouble keeping your guard up?

Ladybug: No. You're not trying your best. *Dino Whisperer grunted and gritted his teeth.*

Dino Whisperer: Let's see what you all look like in Prehistoric times! *He twirls his scepter and starts firing again.*

White Fang: Watch out! *They evade the blasts, Ladybug throws her yo-yo out and swings forward, and tried to kick him, but Dino Whisperer grabbed her ankle.*

Dino Whisperer: Let's go for a little ride. *He threw Ladybug up and whistled for the Pterodactyl and he caught her, she grunted.*

Ladybug: Let go of me, you winged freak!

Dino Whisperer: Have fun, and try not to get eaten.

Black Panther: Let her go! *He threw his boomerang and hit the Pterodactyl, he let Ladybug go, he caught it and leap up, caught her, flipped down, and landed.*

Ladybug: Thanks.

Black Panther: It's alright. *He put her down. Soon, the Triceratops charges towards them, Black Panther pushes Ladybug behind him and he throws in a cat nip bomb, it roared as the cat nip got in his eyes, he pulled her arm and runs off.*

Firefly: We can't get rid of them and deal with them at the same time.

Dino Whisperer: Aww you want some more. Why don't I even out the odds? Rise, my beloved Dinosaurs! *He places his scepter down and the ground starts to rumble and shake.*

Eagle: Ugh. Now what? *Soon, some dinosaurs start to rise and roar. There were Velociraptors, Ankylosaurs, Spinosaurus, Diplodocus, Corythosaurus, Troodons, Megalosaurus, Ornithomimus, and Quetzalcoatlus.*


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