challenge accepted!

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I've noticed that after eating the foods Recovery Girl recommended to me to enrich my iron, I felt more lively and active than ever before. I even started to go to school early, and I'd spend that time with my friends even more.

That day, after riding my skateboard through the hallways, I quickly hid it inside my backpack outside when I saw Aizawa standing in front of the classroom. And when I spotted Kirishima talking to Bakugou in a corner, I rushed toward him.

"Kirishima!" I pointed, "I challenge you to a fight!"

The two of them looked at me, weirded out and confused.

"What's that all of a sudden, (y/n)?"

Everyone present, including Sensei, looked at us as we spoke.

"You heard me," I smirked, "Meet me outside the building after school and we'll face each other in a brawl! How about it? A fair, clean fight!"

Kirishima stood up, still shocked to hear this all of a sudden.

"Or are you too much of a chicken?!" I joked.

Kirishima, with determined eyes, accepted my challenge and nodded.

"You're on!"

"Settle down, you two," Aizawa groaned, tired of our rebellious antics, "You can't just challenge a fight in our school and plan to-"

I quickly dug my hand inside my bag and took out some applesauce before Sensei was able to finish.

"You can have these if you don't say anything," I handed.

Aizawa snatched the three pouches from my hand and went inside his sleeping bag to do God knows what.

"If a teacher sees one of you, tell them I didn't know anything."

"Then it's settled!" I proclaimed, "Kirishima; you're going down!"

bakugou x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat