the lockers

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We all went to the locker rooms to change to our normal uniforms after training for the day. It was too noisy in the men's lockers for my liking, so I went to a corner so nobody would be able to annoy me. But just when I thought I had a few minutes for myself, Kirishima came over to me as I put my things inside my locker.

"So, Bakugou," he asked, "Have you talked to the new kid yet?"

I didn't look at Kirishima and just kept stuffing my locker with my clothes.

"I could care less about that idiot."

After I closed the locker and walked away, Kirishima still didn't get the message and kept bothering me.

"You know, even though they've been refusing to fight, I think they're pretty cool," he added, "Maybe I might introduce myself to them one day. It's just they're so laidback. What if they think I'm weird?"

I stared at Kirishima for a long time as I rummaged through my duffel bag.

"You do that," I said as I carried my bag with me to the exit, "I'm leaving."

But he kept failing me from behind.

"You know, I wonder what's their name."

The two of us remained quiet for a while.

"(y/n)..." I mumbled as I looked down.

Kirishima turned to me, confused.

"Hm? What was that, Bakugou?"

I turned to Kirishima as I opened the door to leave.

"I didn't say anything, you dumbass!"

When the two of us went outside the lockers, the rest of the students came outside; including them.

"Ah, finally~" They sighed with relief, "That bathroom was way too steamy! I started sweating even after I got in that shower!"

"Hey, (y/n)," called Deku, "Is this yours? I think you dropped this!"

He handed them a small bottle of shampoo, holding it.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks, Deku."

"Wait-" pink cheeks pointed out as she came from behind, "Your hair's still wet! You might catch a cold!"

They took a piece of their own hair that dangled over their face and examined it.

"I don't really care about that," they shrugged, "If I get sick, then so be it."

As pink cheeks kept insisting them to dry her hair, that was when that idiot noticed me standing beside Kirishima, and walked towards us.

"Hey," Kirishima greeted, "I'm Kirishima, and you must be-"

"(y/n)," They grinned, "(y/n) (l/n)."

The two of them smiled at each other, starting a conversation.

"I'm really bad with names," They added, "So if I forget yours, I'm really sorry."


The two of them spoke together while I walked away, but not before taking a small towel from my bag and tossed it over in that dumbasses' direction.

"Hey, idiot. Catch."

They managed to catch it right on time, examining the towel.

"If you don't dry your damn hair, you'll get sick," I told them, "and you'll keep missing classes. You won't be able to be a hero then."

Kirishima turned to me, shaking his head in disapproval.

"You're really mean, Bakugou," he frowned, "Have you ever tried being nice for once?"

"That's alright, Kirishima," they reassured, "I'm sure Bakogu didn't mean it."

"It's Bakugou, you idiot!" I corrected, irritated, "Say it right or don't say it at all!"

And with that, I stomped my way out of the lockers toward our classroom while Kirishima tailed me from behind, and that idiot left with pink cheeks and Deku.

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