Chapter 5: Getting ready.

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Gon woke up from sunlight coming threw his window, well, that.. and the blaring alarm right next to his ear. Groaning and getting up off his squeaky bed, Gon turned off the alarm and grabbed his laid out clothes, walking towards the bathroom. His bare feet against the cold wooden floor made him shiver a bit while walking through the hallway.

When he got there he laid his clothes on the toilet and started the shower, turning the water to the highest temperature and letting the steam fog up the mirror. When he was sure the water was warm enough he stripped and got in, letting the heat warm him up. It was a chilly morning so of course the whole house would be freezing, which he hated.

The one thing he never liked about city's was the fact that when it was winter time, it would actually get cold. He was an island boy, the cold was never fun for him. The prick on your skin that you'd get from the goosebumps of the cold always bothered the hell out of him. And he thought it freaky that you could see your own breath if it was cold enough, that's death temp if you ask him. 

Washing his hair so that it wouldn't look greasy, Gon sung a small tune to himself. 'I Can Transform Ya' by 'Hunters'. "And we gon' transform a good boy to a freak, I can transform ya, I can transform ya. Anything you want, I can- I can- get it for ya!" Gon's voice, when it came to singing, would always be a little bit deeper, but it made him sound hot so he didn't bother much with it.

When he got out of the shower he quickly wrapped a towel around his waist to dry off while he got on his phone and waited for the water on his body to be gone. While he was scrolling through Instagram Gon got a message from Hisoka. 'You exited for tonight?!' the message read.

'Wait, what's tonight?' Gon questioned. 'Dumbass 😑' Hisoka deadpanned, 'It's the concert!!!' Gon could practically feel Hisoka's beaming from there. 'OH SHIT! THAT'S RIGHT!!' Gon exclaimed in all caps. 'You.. Concern me bud.' Hisoka replied after a minute.

'Oh whatever, now let me get all ready and stuff! I wanna wow someone tonight! 😂' Gon smiled as he typed 'Jk, but fr tho? What if I got a guy over this??' he laughed. 'God Gon 🤦‍♂️, anyways ttyl!' Hisoka messaged. 'Ttyl' Gon answered. "Welp.. better get some better clothes then these.." Gon said looking at the sweat pants and oversized hood.

He grabbed the rather common place clothes, and went back to his room, Freezing while at it since he was practically naked. Setting down his clothes on the bed, he went back to the closet and sifted through it, eventually sighing in frustration at his lack of style. Gon sat on his bed and picked up his phone, dialing Hisoka.

He picked up after about 4 rings and questionally asked "Yes~??". "Hey Hisoka.. I kinda need help with picking out clothes.." Gon sweat dropped. Silence was heard on the line before an agitated sigh could be heard, "Fashion-less bastard.." Hisoka mumbled. "Hey I heard that!" Gon yelled in protest, "Good!.. I'll be there in ten. See ya" Hisoka said and hung up.

"Meanie.." Gon mumbled, "Oop.. I should probably put on clothes. The sweat pants should be enough.." he said aloud, grabbing the pants and some boxers, putting them on so he can go hang up the towel. As soon as he was done, Gon got himself a pop-tart and popped it in the toaster.

Just before the pop-tart was done Gon heard a knock at the door which startled him a bit.. It didn't help that the toaster went off not even .2 seconds later, giving him a slight heart attack. More knocking could be heard at the front door so Gon hurried up, grabbed the pop-tart, and made his way to the front of the house.

Unlocking the door he felt something bang against his head once before it stopped and a familiar laugh was heard. "Sorry pfft- I just knocked on your damn head!" Hisoka said giggling like a school girl when their crush starts a conversation with them.

"Fuck you- now help me find some clothes!" Gon yelled, rubbing his head a few times and then grabbing Hisoka by the arm to (Literally) drag him inside. Hisoka grabbed his arm back and made his way for Gon's closet once they were in his room. A loud sigh could be heard when he took a second to look at Gon's clothes.

"You have a leather jacket.. in fucking green!" Hisoka screamed. "What?! I like green ok!" Gon stuck up his nose like a little kid. "Thank god I've taken you shopping with me a few times" Hisoka mumbled while grabbing stuff and holding it up to Gon's frame to help with imagination. 

20 shirts, 4 jackets, and 13 pairs of pants later, Gon actually looked decent. Finally. He was wearing a black oversized cropped top that said "Fuck off" in big bold white letters along with fishnet sleeves. Black ripped jeans that had so many holes you could barley tell they were jeans, a chain across his waist, and white knee high convers with a white leather jacket to complete it.

"I look like Yin and Yang." Gon said taking a look in the mirror. "Whatevs. You look good.. Now for~... JEWELRY" Hisoka yelled in triumph. It was Gon's turn to sigh. Hisoka turned around and grabbed the small pieces of jewelry that he had brought.

When they were done with that, Gon had 3 bracelets on one hand and 5 on the other, 1 black cross earing in one ear, and a hanging chain earing that started at the lip of his ear, on the other ear. Honestly.. Gon looked hot as fuck.

"Y'know... I'm so fucking glad I called you for help with this." Gon praised, "Well of course you are~! I'm the one with the best sense of style out of literally anyone!!" he stated proudly. Hisoka looked at his watch, "Shit, we're about to be late! Let's go Gon, we have to pick up the others!" Hisoka rushed.

The fact that I can make a full chapter of Gon just worrying about his clothing is fucking IMACULATE. Ok, but like, enough fooling with yall, the concert is the next chapter so yeah!

1088 words 🤣🤣 

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