Chapter 4: Get over him.

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Killua had to get to the full band rehearsal at about 2, it was currently 1:34. Not to mention the fact that he stayed up late last night to pity himself. Yesterday would have been him and Hako's 10 year anniversary, had Hako not been a cheating bastard.

There were times when his blood would boil over Hako and other times when he would wish nothing more then to be back in his arms. That's just how his life was.. After about 5 minutes of sulking to himself, Killua got off the bathroom floor and made his way downstairs to the garage for his car.

Killua was just about to pull out when his phone rang, Ikalgo on the front of his screen. Taking a deep breath then answering, he put the call on speaker so he can drive and talk. "Hey dude!" Ikalgo greeted, sounding a bit too happy. Killua shrugged it off and also gave a slight greeting.

"I've got a surprise!" Ikalgo cheered, Killua was confused but delighted at the same time, Ikalgo never does surprises.. "Oh no, what torture have you found now??" Killua teased. "Oh whatever, I figured, instead of doing a practice.. We all go out and have a bit of fun! You know.. since the whole yester-" "Yeah sure, that sounds fun, where tho?" Killua asked trying to avoid that whole convo.

"Oh uh- I don't actually know yet, but everyone else agreed!" Ikalgo sweat dropped. "Your more of a train wreak then me!" Killua laughed, "Whatever, uhm.. what about we all just have a good old Hunters challenge?" Ikalgo suggested.

Killua thought about it for a minute, it had been a while since they last did a Hunters challenge.. Since the only songs the band ever made was love songs, everyone decided to have this challenge where they all write their own songs within a certain time period that had nothing to do with love...

The time limit was normally around an hour and they had to make a full song, beat, sounds, edits, and everything. "Sure. I almost forgot about that.." Killua answered after a minute, "Great! And after that we should all try and take that Hunters license exam, see how well the band itself can do on that!" Ikalgo accepted.

Killua smiled softly, he missed it when the band would just hang out, no practice, or business, just them hanging out. "See you there!" Ikalgo said when the line was silent, "Yeah.. see ya!" Killua good-byed. Hanging up and turning the radio on, the rest of the ride was calming  with no thoughts other then how much fun they would have.

When Killua finally arrived, everyone else was already there on their phones trying their best to prepare for the challenge soon ahead. Everyone took it seriously, because the price for losing it was less then pleasant. They all had wanted to make it risky when they were younger so they all made a blood oath over the punishment.

Everyone that lost had to be a literal maid to the winner until the next concert, and absolutely nothing was off limits. Hell, if the winner wanted you to kill yourself, you had to.. It was really dark but it helped everyone with trust and things. So.. yeah.... was Killua probably about to give his life away for the next 2 weeks? Yes. Did he also have the ability to gain 3 maids? Yes. Was he gonna use that to his full advantage?? Fuck yeahhh. (couldn't help myself..)

"Well.. lets get this started shall we?" Killua asked as he put his phone on the small shelf. "I guess.." Kurapika answered, "I'm only doing this cus you need to get your mind off shit!" Knuckle yelled, "I was the one to suggest it so yeah.." Ikalgo said. Killua smiled deviously.

"Well then, let the hour start.." Killua simply suggested. Everyone was up within seconds looking for paper and grabbing mics, and Killua was right behind them too. When he got his stuff it took him a minute to get started but he eventually got a beat and a few words to start off.

After the hour because my ass is lazy as hell..

I could use a love song..Where stories live. Discover now