{47 - Quidditch game}

Start from the beginning

"Ugh! Come on babe, I just need some good luck before the game.," Draco whimpered.

Sara got off of him and grabbed his shirt."what does that have to do with me?," Sara questioned as she put on his shirt.

"Your my good luck.," Draco smiled.

Here we go again, Sara's cheeks turning super pink. She put on some of Draco's joggers and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you.," Sara said and pecked his lips.

"I love you too Mon cœur.," Draco sighed.

"I'll see you before and after the game okay?," Sara said and Draco nodded.

"Win for me, will ya?," Sara smiled.

"I'll try my best.," Draco said.

"And that's all that matters.," Sara kissed his lips and walked out the door.


Elizebeth, Sara and Pansy were getting ready for the quidditch game in Sara's dorm.

"I think I'm gonna cut my hair again..," Sara sighed."it's getting so long."

"Draco probably loves it? Pulling it while you guys are in the middle of-," Pansy smirked.

"Shut up!," Sara shouted, a small smile on her face as she knew what Pansy was about to say and that it was true.

"I like your long hair. It's cute!," Liz smiled.

Sara put on her sweater and looked in the mirror. "How's this?"

Sara's outfit:

Sara's outfit:

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"Sexy nerd..," Elizebeth laughed.

"Just for Draco..!," Pansy teased as her and Elizebeth both burst out laughing.

"Shut up!," Sara threw pillows at them."Cmon let's just go."

They walked out of Sara's dorm, down to the common room where all the quidditch players were. All the boys talking and laughing. Sara and the girls were talking, making their way to the door. Sara saw Draco as he talked to Blaise. He looked at her and they made eye contact, he winked at her and looked up and down and continued talking to Blaise.

Sara smiled as they walked out the common room.


Sara was laying her head on Elizebeth's lap as she watched the quidditch game. Gryffindor versus Slytherin.

"God I hate watching these long ass games!," Sara groaned.

"And it's fucking freezing each time we come to one!," Elizebeth snuggled up against Pansy. Pansy wrapped her arms around Elizebeth and kissed her head.

"Slytherin isn't doing to well..," Pansy sighed.

"Yea.. They are going to be pissed.," Elizebeth's said.

Sara was half asleep just watching the game and not even listening to the conversation.

"You okay Sar?," Elizebeth asked.

"Huh? Oh yea sorry just tired.," Sara yawned as she felt a rain drop land on her nose.

"Oh son of a bitch!," Sara yelled and sat up as it started pouring. Sara opened her bag and pulled out an umbrella.

"How did you fit a whole ass umbrella in there?," Pansy asked.

"...because I'm fucking Mary Poppins. Definitely not a witch.," Sara scoffed sarcastically as she opened the umbrella and held it over her head.

It was coming down to the last final minutes of the game, Harry and Draco still trying to catch the golden snitch but neither of them were getting close enough. Sara was just praying that they didn't hurt each other because Draco was still holding a grudge over Harry since the party. Time was running thin and Harry and Draco were pushing each other trying to get the golden snitch.

"Oh god I can't watch..," Sara covered her eyes, peaking slightly. They were both inches away from the golden snitch until—


All the slytherins' groaned and walked out of the stands. The gryffindors applauded and quickly ran down to the field to congrats Harry. Sara stood up and walked down to the field to catch up with Draco.

"Draco..," Sara sighed and tried to catch up with him as he stomped off the field.

"Draco wait up!," Sara grabbed his hand but he pulled his away.

"I- Draco.. why won't you talk to me?," Sara questioned, he just ignored her.

"Hey!," Sara grabbed his arm and turned him to her. "I don't like when you ignore me.. it makes me feel like I did something wrong."

"Fuck off.," Draco rolled his eyes and turned back around and started walking away.

Sara grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back to her, her hand on the back of his neck as her body pressed up against his.

"Do I look like one of your fucking whores?," Sara questioned. Draco's breath hitched as he shook his head."then don't fucking talk to me like that."

Sara let go of him and started walking away. "Asshole."

Draco's tongue rolled in the side of his cheek as his head rolled back and he watched her walk away.

"Are you fucking coming or not!?," Sara yelled.

Draco smirked and ran after her.


Smut chapter coming up next 😏😏😏 Draco lost his quidditch game so we all know what that means...

Kk, love you. Bye! Xx.

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