The first and second day.

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TRIGGER WARNING: torture, graphic depictions of violence, adult language (swear words).

-- I know you have that book Dream. Everyone knows, at this point, that you have that book.

-- Yeah. That's good!

-- I mean; depends on the eyes of who you see it.

-- Well I- It's jus- It's good for me.

-- Dream, I'm gonna... I need that book, Dream. I'm not here to play games honestly, I'm very busy, and- I wouldn't say you're busy being here but; I want that book, Dream. I don't want it, I need that book. And you have it. And... I want it.

-- I- I burned the book. It's just- it's-

-- Come on.

-- No, I did, I did, It's ju- it's just knowledge, it's in my head. how did you think- I couldn't bring a book in here, how did you think I was able to revive Tommy? It's just- I'm the book.

-- Oh, really? Hum...

-- Yeah.

-- Then it's simple. You're gonna tell me what you know.

-- I'm- Why would I do that?

-- Dream, you don't have leverage over- anyone or anything anymore. You're stuck here, you're trapped.

-- Ok, well then-

-- Quite frankly-

-- What do you want the book for? Why do you need the book?

-- Dream, I do business and, you know, a good business man doesn't reveal his secrets. I'm just gonna say it again Dream, and I'm asking this in the nicest way possible. I don't wanna do anything to you Dream. I just want you to give me your knowledge about the book, because I need it.

-- Why don't you- You can take- You can take me out, you can bring me out of here, hum, and then I can, you know.

-- Really?

-- Ye-

-- No, I don't think that's gonna happen. I think what's gonna happen is you're gonna give me the knowledge about that book and you're gonna stay in here. And that's it.

-- Oh yeah, or what? You're gonna put me in- in double prison?

-- Double prison? Double prison? Nah. No Dream, I'm gonna do something else to you. I'm asking the nice way. So?

-- How did you-

-- I'm asking the nice way, Dream. You didn't wanna tell me.

-- You're not gonna kill me.

-- I'm not gonna kill you. But I'm gonna make you-

-- SAM!

-- I'm gonna make your last days-

-- SAM!

-- -in this fucking prison hell, Dream.


-- Hey, don't do that, don't do that. Don't you fucking do that, don't do that to me, don't fucking touch me man, alright? It's simple, Dream, alright? You're gonna tell me all the knowledge you have in that fucking book or I'm gonna come here every. single. fucking. day. to make your life hell. That is exactly what i'm gonna do, and I'm gonna fucking stick to it until you give me knowledge on that fucking book.

-- I'm not gonna tell you anythin-

-- Do you understand me? You have no other choice. If you don't want me here every fucking day, then you're gonna give me the fucking knowledge on the book. I'm not fucking around Dream, you're gonna tell me.

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