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1 Do you believe featuring in meet the authors has helped you as a writer?

 I always believe that things like this are beneficial, so I would have to say yes!

2 What genre do you like to read?

 I'll read almost anything, but I especially love mystery and historical fiction 

3 What's the best piece of advice you have received on wattpad?

To just keep writing. It can be a struggle sometimes, but I've had many people tell me to just keep writing, and that's proved to be very encouraging!

4 Are your stories on any of platforms ? (Instagram, twitter, amazon, ect)

I don't currently have any of my works published anywhere other than Wattpad, but that might change in the future!

5 Do you believe being a part of the wattpad community has helped you as a writer?

 I certainly do! My readers have been very supportive of me and my writing, and that's really helped to encourage me and improve as a writer!

6 What's one story (on or off wattpad) that you would recommend someone read?

 I would have to say Heartless by Marissa Meyer! It's such an amazing story, and Marissa's writing style is so wonderful. I just love everything about that book!

7 How is your latest story going? Can you tell us anything about it?

It's going well! My latest story is a very long novel, and I have over 50k words written for it, yet I haven't even gotten to the main plot haha. I don't want to say too much about it, but it starts out in the early 1950s and is about a teen girl named Josephine.

8 Do you believe interview platforms, clubs, contests and organization accounts on wattpad are a useful tool to new writers?

 For sure! They can help a writer to gain recognition.

9 As a writer, do you think its wise to write in more than one genre?

Oh, I definitely do! Sticking to one genre can limit your abilities. By writing multiple genres, you allow yourself to expand your abilities and improve your writing. It also allows you to see which genres you enjoy writing in the most, so it can be very beneficial.

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