" 'bd-' what now? "

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|y'all asked for more oneshots so here|

3rd Person POV

Kashima and Toono were dating. They were. But Toono actually decided to ignore it most of the time. He liked cuddling and all but the idea of being someone's boyfriend felt odd. Plus, he was shy about so many things. He was shy about kissing, he was shy about having any kind of sexual intercourse..

You know, the usual. He loved Kashima, he did. He loved him so much. But he was also very insecure and confused all the time. And Kashima knew how to take it slow for Toono. He had enough patience. But he also yearned to cherish Toono in all ways

Kashima was a very selfless young man. He did all he could to make those around him happy. Especially if that person was Toono whom he loved so much. But you can't except someone to. Be completely selfless all the time. After all Kashima was human too. He also had things he wanted to get and it was his natural right to do things in order to get them. Let's give him a chance to be selfish about that. He's not a saint.

So Kashima really wanted to just get it over with. He knew he had to be patient with Toono but the side of him that wanted so much more so much faster told him to embrace Toono and just... Just have sex with him already to put it bluntly.

But every single time he asked Toono both with his words and his actions he got rejected for it.

But there was the other case; Toono had came out to Kashima as asexual about a week after they started dating. So a side of Kashima also knew Toono didn't really feel like it most of the time.

And if we are done with the general introduction I think it's better for everyone to get into the main story am I right

Tamura POV

I don't care honestly. Kashima and Toono keep refusing to have sex and they don't get the consequences when I was gang raped because of my first month in Yaribu. It's just not fair you know. Sure I did end up enjoying it but that's not the point. Also again, I don't care I just don't. Nah.

I was just chilling in the clubroom doing shit on my phone when Toono suddenly walks in with a huge blush on his face. Without even giving me the chance to make fun of him for it he strikes a question at my face "Tamu-senpai you know a lot about sex right?"

Who does that brunette bitch think he's talking to? THE Yui Tamura! "Obviously I know a lot about sex Toono. What's up?"

He walks towards me as he asks another question "Then... Do you know that... S-sex type where you feel pain... But like, enjoy it..?" He mumbles out.

I straighten on the couch and tilt my head "Eh? What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer already this is hard for me as it is!" He raises his voice, clearly flustered and probably is regretting asking the thing he asked.

"It depends on what kind of pain we are talking about. I mean some people's assholes hurt because it's too tight or-"

He cuts me off

"The one with the whips and the handcuffs and... You know just... P-pets?"

Is he?

"OH YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT BDSM!" I accidentally shout with a smile

"Bdsm?" He raises an eyebrow "Heck yeah bdsm. What do you wanna know about it? Or wait...."

*Pause for dramatic effect* "why are you so interested all of a sudden hm?" I smirk and teasingly lean towards Toono

He blushes and gazes away, obligated to answer he blurts out "I want to try it with Kashima okay? Just tell me how it works."

Ohhhh I should have seen this one coming. Of course he wants to try it out with Kashima. What else did I expect anyway?  "Ohoho okay I'll tell you about bdsm. You can sit down because it might take a while"

Kashito (Kashima x Toono) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now