Sending a part of his soul to me, he left my side. I could not concentrate on what he was doing. Nor did I have the energy to. Zyon was looking at everything with wide eyes, his mismatched eyes darting everywhere. Taurus was trying his best to bring Alioth, Saiph and Atik out, but he kept bouncing back.

"Elta!" Taurus shouted. "Did you seal this space?"

Despite losing her energy constantly, she smiled. "Of course. What did you think? You thought I was going to leave you guys? You won't give me mercy. Why should I be merciful? If I am going to perish here, we all will."

I truly wanted to know what Melantha spoke to her about this. We would not just die here. Our Souls would be forever destroyed if this poison was to touch anyone here. The poison would claim everything back to itself. Perhaps I might escape with a conscience, but who knew how long I would take to gather my soul back? But would I even have the will to live? After the poison claimed Taurus?

Alioth held that star and shook her. "What is wrong with you? Why did you do this?"

"Did anyone ever listen to what my father had to say then?" Elta screamed. "Did anyone give him the chance to? Ursa just killed him. Without another word. Everyone here, do you all swear that your waves are clean of murder? Haven't you all killed someone without a second thought? Don't you carry that burden? Do you dare say that you all are innocent?"

We reached an impasse. I did my best to contain the poison. Pretty soon we would reach a state where it would overwhelm me.

"Then," Dziban began slowly. "Do you dare say that you are innocent, Elta? That you are standing with justice now?"

Elta smirked coldly. "No. That's why I want to pull you all with me now. We all must die. All must perish!"

All must perish!

Who said that? Someone else, another face, said this at another time. Death was taking them away when they said that. Was it a male or a female? Did they even have a gender?

All must perish!

They did try to make it come true. They were the ones to break the bind in the first place. They were the ones who released the Soul-Cleaving weapon for the first time. It was from them did Cosmos take it as her prize. It was from them I was involved in hiding the heir of Cosmos.

All must perish!

"All must perish?" Taurus whispered as if he was recollecting the same. "All as in everyone here? Or all as in everyone in the universe?"

"Everyone in the universe, of course!" Elta said. "Every soul is tainted! Every soul harbours a crime! Everyone must pay!"

Was it who I think it would be?

I shared a look with Taurus, who gave me the same troubled gaze. It was impossible! But if it was who I thought it was, then everything was explained.

Taurus said, "Draco. Give me the clearance. I have to kill Elta. Only then would this poison stop. She has tied herself to the barrier. If I kill her, then I can mend the barrier and you can contain the poison. If we don't then this poison will not only consume us, but keeping this as the entry point, it will consume everything in the universe."

Giving the clearance took energy from my part. And this was not the time where I could take a part of my concentration to give him my clearance. The poison was already getting vengeful, and it was getting harder for me to contain it.

"I can't," I struggled. "The poison is already too much. I can't give my clearance."

Gaelan rushed towards the source. What was he doing? But before I could say anything, he was sealing the breach. Against the poison, could anyone stand? He was thrown back and had it not been for me protecting him the whole time, his soul would have been torn by now.

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