"Sometimes..." Remus finally spoke "Sometimes things are not the way they seem" he sniffed "Boys are boys and girls are girls, right? Well sometimes is not that simple..."

"I... I don't understand"

"I didn't mean to hear. I promise" Remus said "I was having a joint when I heard you coming out"

"It's okay..." Sirius managed to say "Is it true? What Monica said?"

Of course, it was true. Otherwise Moony wouldn't be crying. Sirius was so stupid sometimes. He was nervous for some reason.

"Yeah..." Remus responded "But I'm not a girl. I just used to look like one. Used to have the body of one... I partly do"

Sirius blinked hard. He was so confused.

"I don't understand..."

"It's called Transgender" Remus answered

"So, you're..."

"A boy, a man" Remus sniffed "I just have to work harder to be one"

Remus' voice was trembling. He sounded so broken and scared.

Sirius had never heard about something like that before. Was that allowed even? People got to choose who they were? Sirius didn't ask any of those questions. He didn't want to offend Remus.

"Okay..." Sirius rubbed his hair nervously "Do James and Lily know?"

"Yeah. Lily was the first person I told" Remus said "And James walked on me changing one day"

They knew? James knew and never changed his treatment towards Remus. And Lily adored him. He was her best friend.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sirius asked. He was offended that he was the only one in their little group who didn't know.

"I didn't want you to see me differently" Remus said crying again "I begged James and Lily not to tell you. I mean... It is you Sirius... You're so..."

"What?" Sirius asked really offended, facing the door as if he was staring at Remus "Do I look like that asshole who would treat you differently? Or stop being your friend?"

Sirius could be an asshole. Say stupid sexist things sometimes. But he was a good comprehensive person, he really was.

"I know I am a freak..." Remus cried.

Sirius was no longer surprised, but angry that Remus could think so less about himself. And that he didn't trust Sirius. Why he didn't trust Sirius? Sirius completely trusted him.

He knocked again.

"Open the door"

"I don't think I can face you right now"


He didn't answer. What could be the way of getting Remus out of the loo? There was one thing that annoyed Remus most.

Sirius smiled.

"Dear prudence..." Sirius began singing "Won't you come out to play?......Dear prudence... Greet the brand new daaay..."

"Shut up, Sirius" Remus snorted

"What? You love The Beatles. Best classic band ever!"

Remus finally opened the door, Sirius almost tripping in the process. Remus had puffy eyes. His eyes looked watery. Nose slightly red. He looked adorable. Like a little puppy. It broke Sirius' heart.

"David Bowie is better than them!" Remus protested crossing his arms

Sirius smiled. Remus hated The Beatles. He always said they were too overrated. Only popular because girls liked them. That Bowie's music was better.

Werewolf Mcwerewolf and The Tiny PotterWhere stories live. Discover now