"My katana!" Midoriya paused his frantic babbling as more sweat trickled down his forehead. "Where the hell did you put my sword?"

"Your sword? Um..."

"(Y/N)-CHAN! (Y/N)-Chan?! Huh? AAAH! What is THAT?!" You looked to the door, then back at Midoriya, then back to the exit. Ugh, forget the boy. You swung open the door and ran to the room where you heard Ryuko's confused screams.

"Ryu-chan?! Are you okay?"

"Onee-chan, what the hell is all of this?"

He was in a bed with now messed up sheets and had his back pressed against the wall while staring at the walls. Each covered in photos and art of a muscular man, more muscular than Gyomei it seemed. He had unnatural yellow hair that stuck up and was always punching.

You hated hand-to-hand combat because you were never good at it. It's too risky for your limbs if you use your gravity technique and plus, it always hurts like hell afterward. It's utterly useless against demons, even the super low-grade ones that even a random man with a nichirin-blade could accidentally kill, so what was the point?

Midoriya slid right behind you right when you said: "I have no idea. A guy who punches a lot? He kind of looks like Rengoku-san." Your heart swelled for a moment.

"Th-that's All Might! The number one hero in all of Japan!"

"AAH! And who are YOU?!" screamed Ryuko yet again.

The boy waved his hand in front of his panicked face. It reminded you of all the lower leveled demon slayers you had to deal with—all so jittery and could not relax for their lives. Literally, it got some of them in serious trouble.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, but could you please lower your voice? I don't want my neighbors to get mad about the noise."


"In my room... in my apartment complex."

"And those...?"

"Are my action figures of All Might."

Ryuko shot a few more questions and Midoriya shot back just as many answers, Ryuko's last asked question leading Midoriya into a looooooong tangent about cats and then Ryuko's namesake and then dragons. How did you even get here?

"Cats are agile creatures that a lot of people look at to base their skills of balance since their balancing and landing on all fours are amazing. Cats were also a huge inspiration for the hero team 'Wild Wild Pussycats', which did you know has a... your name is Ryuko, yes? Yeah, they have a team member with the name Ryuko, with the meaning of 'flow' and 'child' referring to her quirk. Then there is another hero with the name 'Ryuko' with the meaning of dragon and child behind it. She's known as the Dragon Hero. She's quite popular and her quirk isn't all that flashy, but certainly cool and–"

"Hold on," you said.

"Ack! My bad, I'm sorry! I always go on these tangents. I'm just a huge nerd on heroes and their quirks, and I'm not a stalker just a huge fan and–"

"Ugh! Would you stop talking for just a minute, please?" Midoriya covered his mouth and nodded, innocently. "You've mentioned 'quirks' twice, and it sounds like it's being used not in its normal definition. What is it? ...You're allowed to speak again. But spare us the details and keep it short."

Short was not in Midoriya's dictionary, apparently.

"Quirks are like superpowers coded into a person from birth. They're genetic. And not everyone has a quirk, 20% don't. With supernatural powers coming about, crime began to climb, and so did heroes! They're so cool! The number one hero is All Might, which are the figurines you see there."

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