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you sit up looking around and you notice a guy looking at you and you see cesar clenching his fists in anger and you grab his arm

you: leave him alone he's just looking

cesar: okay and he shouldn't be looking at my girlfriend. fuck is wrong with him. 

you: let him look you can do something when he purposely touches me 

cesar: but-

you: cesar. calm down it's nothing okay.

cesar: I'll literally fucking kill him

you: okay. 

he wraps his arm around you as you fall back to sleep until he shakes you 

cesar: val. valentina. come on we gotta go 

you: I'm sleep be quiet

cesar: don't make me fucking carry you

you lay there until he picks you up and you smile in his face

cesar: now walk I'm not carrying you to your house okay 

you: okay

you get down and walk back to your house and he sits in your backyard knowing his brother is at your house

you: spooooookyyyyyyyyy

spooky: yes child.

you: can cesar come home yet

spooky: unless he can get me out of trouble with fucking cuchillos he's a hobo 

you: uhhhh okay well we're going to ruby's and then he's gonna figure out where to sleep  and y'all can figure your shit out later 

spooky: as long as he don't die  I don't care 

you: ut he's your baby brother you gotta care

spooky: ain't no law that's says  I do 

you: ugh I hate you so fucking much 

you slap the back of his neck and go into your room and change and you go outside

you: cesaaaaaaaar. 

cesar: valentinaaaaaaaa.

you: I'm going to ruby's now. we're late as hell and you can go home real quick and get clothes if you need to since oscar's here right now. 

cesar: cool 

he kisses your cheek and you leave and go to ruby's and you stand on the porch staring at the girl sitting there

you :who are you

amber: mario's girlfriend. I'm amber

you: and you're p-

amber: very pregnant yes. 

you go inside and hug ruby and jamal and Mario 

you: hey uh so guess what.

mario: okay wait first I have a surprise. 

monse opens the door and you look at her shocked face and you both say at the same time.

you&monse: there's a pregnant white girl on your porch

geny: THERE'S A WHAT?!

mario: heh uh surprise? mommy? 

geny: nope don't mommy me everyone inside and at the table it's time for dinner 

you sit down and you glare at Mario 

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