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Y/n sat outside staring up at the extra bright stars in the dark, night sky. A hard sigh passed your lips as you thought about your nasty breakup with Kiba. It hurt to let him go but you knew it was for the best.


"K-Kiba I can't do this anymore." You said in a weak voice

"What? You don't mean that! Tell me you're lying!"Kiba got even more upset that before

You guys had been arguing for the 5th time this week, and it was only wednesday. Every fight was about the same thing...Kiba being too obsessive.

He had gotten jealous because he saw you talking with the man at the dango stand.

"Kiba im done this time. You can't even get it through your head that i was talking to him to get my order. You're too overbearing and I can't stand it anymore. I'm....sorry." You instantly turned around and stormed off before you could embarrass yourself since your little argument was unfortunately in the very same Dango stand.

*flashback over*

You realized it was quite late and that your roommate was probably worried that you had been out all night. Standing up, you brushed the grass of your pants and grabbed your bag.

You didn't even realize how late it was until you started walking through the streets of Konoha and say absolutely no one. You hated being out this late since only criminals and dangerous ninja were up at this hour. Remembering that you put a little more spring in your step.

You took the longer way home to avoid having to walk by Kiba's house, and remember all the times you two shared.

Just as you started walking down an alley you heard light shuffling. Instantly you froze and starting backing up, not taking your eyes of the empty alley behind you. You were afraid to turn around and leave but you didn't want someone to take it as an opening to attack you. Too bad you didn't turn around earlier because now you felt warm breath on your neck, and a familiar scent....


Still afraid to turn around you just stayed frozen.

"W-What are you doing here Kiba?" you asked in a raspy tone

"I should be asking you the same thing. The fastest way to your house is all the way over there yet here you are. Why is that?" He responded but something was different about his was more sinister.

"None of your business Kiba, I don't owe you an explanation. Now move." You closed your eyes hoping he would just go away, but he did far from that.

Grabbing you by the waist he turned you around to face him, keeping his arm around your waist. Now that you could see his face you could tell he was taking the split hard.

His once lively eyes sat low and sad. His usual spiky hair had gone flat, due to no motivation to style it. His face was sunken in and cold.

I did this to him didn't I? I'm so terrible...

"Why? Why did you leave me all alone?" He asked in the most broken voice i've ever heard

"I.....I." was all i could manage to say, the eye contact was just too intense to think

"TELL ME WHY YOU DONT FUCKING LOVE ME ANYMORE! J-Just tell me the truth. There's someone else huh?" He lost his composure as quick as he got it back. You tried to step back when he yelled but he just pulled you in closer

"This is why Kiba! You're constantly questioning my loyalty to you. And if you can't trust me we don't need to be together. If I were to ever say the things you accuse me of you'd literally explode. I'm tired of having to constantly prove my love for you." You finally told him your thoughts

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