F - Not the Best Day (SwanQueen)

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Regina came home from work and she was exhausted. She had been irritated at the things building up throughout the day and she'd accidentally snapped at Henry when she got home. He hadn't put his washing in the basket at the top of the stairs.

She knew it was stupid and irrational but she couldn't help herslef. She'd apologised soon after though. It was a healthy part of their relationship. No argument ever went without being resolved.

She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. Fuck the stress. She needed to calm down. She could hear Henry speaking to someone on the phone in another room but she couldn't hear what he was saying.

Regina thought it would be best to stay away from Henry for the time being to avoid any more conflicts. Thankfully, he was understanding about these kinds of things.


Regina had just finished the glass of wine she poured when there was a knock on the door. She groaned but got up to answer it anyway.

"What are you doing here?" On the other side was Emma Swan, with her long blonde curly hair and her beautiful smile. Wait, Regina couldn't think like that.

"Henry called me. He said you had a bad day. I thought I'd come around and offer help in any way you need". Regina sighed and opened the door for Emma to come in.

"Yeah. I was going to go to bed and watch some TV but I could use the company. Thank you for coming over". Regina watched as Emma took off her coat and shoes and then she guided them both in the living room.

Emma flopped onto the couch ever so gracefully and Regina bit back a smile. It was the little things about Emma that allowed her crush to develop in the first place.

Regina sat on the other end of the couch. She didn't want to risk getting too close to Emma and blushing when they inevitably touched each other whether that be just by their fingertips when they both reached for the TV remote.

"Are you just going to sit there Sheriff Swan?" Regina watched as Emma's leg bounced up and down with nerves. She clearly didn't know what to say and it was amusing to Regina. Emma had come over to help her after her bad day at work but she didn't know what to say, or do.

"Sorry. I'm trying to think what I can do to help you. I didn't think about it. I just kind of left my house and came over as soon as Henry said". Emma's hand moved to her mouth and she started biting her nails.

"I'll put a movie on and then we can talk. I like some background noise. Is that okay?" Emma nodded and Regina put the movie on. "I guess a lot happened. Everyone was asking me to do something and my work load, you should have seen it Emma. I barely had time to breathe. I don't think I've eaten today. Wait, I should eat". She went to stand up but Emma reached for her hand to stop her.

"Slow down Regina. I can order a pizza. Take a moment to breathe. Let yourself relax". Regina nodded and sat back down. She watched as Emma pulled her phone out to call the pizza place and then settled back onto the couch to concentrate on the movie she had put on. Despite having seen it several times, it still enthralled her.

"I feel like I should be doing something to take all this off you Emma. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself". Emma nodded. She knew that but sometimes it was nice to take care of others.

"I know but I want to do this. Please let me Regina". With the way Emma was looking at her, Regina had no choice but to agree. She trusted Emma and she'd let her do whatever she wanted to do as a way of helping Regina.

"Okay. If you insist. What do you want me to do? Sit here and look pretty?" Regina scoffed at the thought of not doing anything. She couldn't remember the last time that had happened. It was probably before she had Henry.

"That is exactly what I want you to do, Mayor Mills". Regina's jaw dropped open. She had been joking when she said that but clearly Emma wasn't messing around.

"But I have so much to do Emma. I can't just sit here and do nothing. It feels wrong". Regina started to protest. There was no way she could just relax. That wasn't possible.

"So choose a film and tell me your pizza order. I can do whatever you need me to do. Take a break and stop stressing out". Emma raised her eyebrow and Regina who rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Okay. I'll have a pepperoni pizza please". Regina relented and let Emma order her food as well as doing a few bits of housework for her.


Regina managed to tune out her surroundings and just focus on the movie she had chosen to watch. It was nice to just concentrate on something that had no relevance to her day to day life. She allowed herself to indulge in some 'me' time while Emma tidied her kitchen.

When the doorbell rang, Regina went to stand up but the sharp "stay there" from Emma made her chuckle and she stayed exactly where she was.

"Thank you Emma". As Emma set the pizza box on her coffee table Regina sat forward and kissed Emma's cheek lightly to show her gratefulness. Emma's cheeks flushed at the show of affection and Regina smirked at the reaction she had provoked.

They ate their pizza while continuing to watch the movie. There wasn't any need for conversation between the two women. They were content to just enjoy each other's company.

Once they finished the pizza Regina cleared up the box. She insisted that Emma had done enough and she had convinced herself that she was being lazy by sitting on the couch for more than 10 minutes.

Emma followed Regina into the kitchen and leaned against the counter as she watched Regina tidy up a little more.

"How are you feeling now Regina? Have you relaxed a little?" Regina was caught off guard a little by the question.

"I feel a lot better thank you Emma. I haven't really thought about anything for a while". Regina pulled the pizza box apart so it was flat and could fit into the trash easily.

"That's exactly what I wanted to happen". Her elbows rested on the counter as her eyes followed Regina's footsteps towards her.

"Oh really, Sheriff?" Regina walked towards the trash can and placed the box there. She spun around to face Emma and walked towards her.

"Yes Madam Mayor". Regina's face was only inches from Emma's now. The blonde woman's breath caught in her throat at the lack of distance between them. When their lips met, Emma let out a soft moan. She had been waiting for this moment for years.

Emma's hand fell to rest on Regina's waist as a hand tangled in her blonde curls. They pulled each other a little closer as the kiss deepened.

"Perhaps we should take this to the bedroom", Regina suggested as Emma's lips trailed down her neck.

Emma nodded as Regina held on to her hand and pulled her in the direction of their bedroom.


A/N - My first work in the OUAT fandom.

My friend encouraged me to write this. remyagoff this is for you...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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