part one "heartless"

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Cass woke up feeling some sort of sharp pain all over her body. she got up and looked around her messy apartment; leftover pizzas, empty cops of coffee, and all the paperwork she was doing

for the newspaper. it had been a frustrating week as a crime journalist, in the past week, 2 women had been killed.people liked to read about awful stuff like this these days and Cass was a creative writer; she was really good at spicing up a case like this and her crime reports were really popular among newspaperreaders. she could never understand why people were really enthusiastic about terrifying things. anyways she barely got up and made her way out of the mess to her kitchen. she made herself a cup of coffee and looked through the police report while taking a sipof her coffee. it must have been a serial killer; police couldn't find anything but the body. she sighed and took another sip of her coffee. she couldn't help but think about the next poor girl's report that would be on her table; how many people needed to die until the police would find something?as she looked out of the window and hoped that the rain would wash away the heavy-hearted feeling from her soul; her phone started ringing. she riched out to the phoneand answered with a gloomy voice. "hey. what's up Jully?""Hey, Cass. I know you've been really down lately but they just found the third one...If you don't feel like it, you don't need to come to the crime scene. I'll write this one.""no no I'm fine. send me the location. I'll be there."Cass ignored the pressure on her chest and gathered herself up. she picked up her leather jacket and got out of the house. she looked at the old fire alarms in theapartment's narrow and dark hallway; most likely they wouldn't work so she lighted a cigarette and leaned her back on the smelly old walls and started smoking.Cass hated smoking so only she smoked when she hated herself. the last time she smoked was when she ran away from texas and came to NY. she had just moved to this apartmentand she had learned her back in the exact same place and smoked a cigarette. she didn't want to get lost in old memories again so she found a taxi and went to the crime scene. when she arrived she saw the giant crowd of journalists that wanted to know what was happening. she saw Jully standing on the other side of the street and talking to a police. Cass rushed to the other side. "hi I'm cassie, Davis. I work with Jully." she smiled. Jully pointed to the girl standing in front of her; she was a short girlwith curly hair and a serious face." this is Sentia. she is detective Loe's assistant. we were just talking about the case." said Jully. Sentia didn't really seem to be delightedwith the conversation she was having." I have to get back." she rushed toward the crowd. "see you around." she looked at Cass and shook her head meaning nice to meet. as soon as she left Cassie's smile faded and she looked at Jully with a disappointed face. "what were you guys talking about?" she asked. "did they find something useful?" Jully knew that this was going to upset Cass a lot. recently Cass had been working a lot more than she used to; so she saw and heard a lot of awful cases. Jully looked at Cass like she was really miserable; because she wanted to see her that way. she wanted to believe that a miserable person was living under that beautiful face of hers. no matter how much Jully loved cassie, she was always joules of her.Jully looked down at the police report and turned a few pages. "I...I mean..pretty much the same stuff..take a look if you like.." she shrugged her shoulders and handed Cass the police report. Cass was turning the pages aggressively and searching for something new, searching for the smallest bit of hope. as she was breathing heavily she handed the report to jully and walked toward the crowd on the other side of the street. she pushed away from the crowd and ripped the "crime scene do not cross" tape and went up the stairs of the apartment as other journalists were taking her photos and Jully was shouting "CASS....CASSIE..WHAT THE FUCK?!" as she was running behind her. the detective was talking to Sentia and he saw Cass's angry face. "you can't be here madam." said the young detective. he came closer to Cass and repeated "you can't be here madam." he was a tall boy with brown messy hair and green eyes. there were a pair of glasses on his head and he was wearing aloose old sweater with a pair of black denim. although he tried to seem serious, he couldn't hide his gentle soft smile."I'm cassie, Davis. I write crime reports for a newspaper. I want a warrant to investigate the crime scene." "I'm Leo. I'm the detective in charge. I'm sorry we can't let you investigate." he shrugged his shoulders and turned his back to continue his conversation with Sentia. Cass was really pissed; she held his hand aggressively and didn't let him go." look detective.." she said. "I don't know how many people need to die untilyou do something, but I'm not going to watch this happen; so whether you give that warrant or not. I'm gonna do what I want."" I have bad news for you, we have rules here. that's how things work. now if you let me go I'd like to get back to my job" he laughed sarcastically. Jully came up the stairs "what the fuck Cass. what are you doing?" as she was breathing heavily. Cass let Leo's hand go and frowned."let's go Jully"as she was going down the stairs. "are you with me or are you with the police?" silence accompanied them all the way down the stairs. Cass didn't really consider people her friends, after her father she became emotionally private. with or without Jully she was going to this; all she wanted was the they were standing beside the street Jully finally dared to break the silence. " are my friend and I...I.." Cass smirked sarcastically as she was smoking and interrupted Jully." look..we don't have to be friends...Jully... we have been working with each other but I don't expect you to be my friend."Jully was kind of embarrassed. do you these moments that what you do says a lot about who you are? this might have been one of those moments for Jully. Cass didn't even say goodbye. she smashed her cigarette under her dirty black shoes and turned her back to go home.she didn't even bother to take a taxi; she walked all the way home. she kept thinking about it; about the past. maybe it was time for her to visit her mother this weekend.her mother; a piece left from her past; a reminder for not trusting people. what did hurt this girl's heart so bad; that she pretended like she didn't have one?as she walked under the rain the thoughts and the painful memories were playing in her head like a movie. when she finally arrived home, soaking wet, she heard some noise from upstairs. somebody moved into the flat beside cassie. the door was open and a boy was placing his furniture. cassie slowly looked through the door and saw a tall boy with a mesmerizing smile blooming on his face. he had curly or more likely messy black hair, a beard he hadn't bother to shave for the last few days, a black turtleneck, a pair of old dusty brown boots, and a cigarette between his lips. his house wasn't really full of furniture; no curtains or carpets, a couch, and the piano and a small wooden table full of packets of cigarettes on it. Cassie wasn't really in the mood to say hi so she went into her flat, closed the door, and sighed deeply.she put the new police report beside the other ones and she went to her bathroom to take a the warm water dripped down cassie's spine; she heard her new play piano. it was mesmerizing although Cassie wasn't really in the mood for something like this.she rushed out of the shower and put something on. she walked toward his door and nocked it. "Hi, I'm cassie Davis; I live next door. can you please not play piano, I'm trying to focus on something." she lied. she wasn't trying to focus on anything.the song he was playing was a song that her dad used to play for her when she was young. she just couldn't tolerate her childhood playing in her head like a movie."oh...I'm sorry...Ms. Davis..." he said. his warm voice brought a lot of joy to cassie's cold and forgotten heart. "It's...Harvey by the name"for a moment she got so carried away in this charming man's smile that she jumped in his arms and kissed his lips.for a moment Harvey's eyes locked into her's and Cass was being convinced that she made a mistake but Harvey held her waist and pushed her body against his and took her breath away with a kiss. he pulled her in and closed the door. kissing him felt like melting in volcanic emotions. he pulled her closer and smelled her wethair. Cassie could feel the warmth of his heart through every touch and every kiss. she ran her fingers through his messy hair and looked into his mysterious eyes." goddamit" she thought as she came to the realization that she was in a stranger's arms and she was actually feeling something good for the first time after years.he was feeling the curves of her body with her touch like she was a work of art. she could feel him inside her heart and her body.she woke up at midnight in his arms as the slight wind found its way through the window and touched her skin gently. she looked at the man who brought a smile to her lips after a long time. she held his hand so hard so that he could never let her go. she kissed his tempting lips, Harvey woke up to the beautiful face of cassie, looking into her brown eyes and running his hands through her messy hair. "Ms. so pretty..." he said with a sleepy deep voice and held her facein his hands. he brought a joyful peace into her her phone started ringing she crawled out of the bed and answered it. "Jully..." she looked at the watch in Harvey's bedroom. "it's 2 am. what's so urgent." continuedwith a sleepy voice. "I'm at your door Cass." said Jully. "we need to talk."Cass wore her clothes, she took another look at the sleepy boy lying down. "I need to go," she said and left his bedroom. Harvey rushed out of the bed as he was putting his clothes on. "Ms. Davis..." he said. " won't you spend the night beside me." cassie smiled and opened the door to talk to Jully. as she opened the door, Jully took lookat the half-naked boy standing behind Cass. "hey cassie...what's up" she said with a suspicious tone as she was mesmerized by Harvey's eyes." he just moved here...I...I needed some coffee and...I came to get Harvey". she looked at Harvey and pointed to the kitchen with her eyes. Harvey went to the kitchen and took a packet of his coffee and handed it to Cass. as Jully looked him up and down "half-naked?!" she asked sarcastically.Harvey panicked " just ..." cassie was uncomfortable about the way Jully was looking at him. "bye Harvey.. see you around" and she closed the door aggressively." yes Jully...what's up?" she asked with a dead look on her face. "I think you are right Cass." she said. "I've been looking at the cases for the last few hours and I..."Cass stopped her as she was opening her apartment door. " of course Jully, I'm always right." she sighed. " but that doesn't change anything.""We need to do something Cass, this detective didn't search for anything, no camera records of the apartment, no statements from other people; nothing."as cassie opened the door; she had a moment of dought. "do think he might have..done it?" she said suspiciously.Jully took a step back and gave Jully's theory a chance. "I mean that would be really smart." she continued. "you know...he took over the case so he can make it looklike whatever he wants." silence accompanied them into cassie's flat as they both were busy thinking about Leo. cassie closed the door and took a look at the reports. "I don't think that we can trust what is written here." as the wild wind came into the room and swung the old lampin cassie's dark living room. she looked at Jully "we need to go to the crime scene." Jully wasn't so sure she sighed and as she filliped the pages of Cassie's notebook, she looked at her. "OK" she sighed. "it's nearly 2 am, we won't get caught if we go to the first crime scene; I don't think that anybody's there right now." she looked at the info written by Sentia on the side of the report paper. " joanna..what happened to you joanna?!" she wrote the address on a small piece of paper and they rushed out of the house. as they were walking in the street, jully stopped and looked at the half-naked boy standing by the window and drinking coffee. he smiled at cassie as jully was unconsciously falling in love with him. Cass pulled Jully's hands "let's go" but she couldn't hold back her smile when Harvey looked at her like that. jully got on her bicycle to keep going. she knew something was going on between this boy and Cass but she drowned in his eyes the first moment she saw him. cassie got on the back of Jully's bike and tried to stop looking at Harvey's tanned and thin body. cassie was seeing the world differently on that never-ending night riding on the bike and letting her hair swing with the wind. remembering how her body melted inside Harvey's body would warm up her heart and steam her exotic feeling toward this boy. On the other hand, jully was being swallowed by her chaotic thoughts of being a loser, she hated how she was so weak and would fall in love with a complete stranger in less than a few minutes. her friendship with cassie would always remind her of high school. thanks to her brain she would never forget what a jealous useless loser she is when it comes to love.

the never ending storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora