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Hey! Really quick [A/N] (Author's Note)!

This chapter is put is Kek's perspective! It's just gonna be about them and Sero and I just didn't want anyone to get confused, so I wanted to clear that up real quick!

Anyways happy reading!


The human was a noisy sleeper. He snored loudly and muttered things in that strange language of his. He also drooled a lot, and when Sero rolled over he completely flattened Kek who had been snoozing lazily on his chest, who had been enjoying the fact they had finally drifted under a cloud that shielded them from the heat of the sun.

Not that Kek really minded, their tail just flapped a few times before settling again, wrapping Sero up even tighter in it. They liked being so close to their human, they were in a lot of pain and the aches that were coming from all over the small tears in their pectoral fins, and scratches along their tail were shooting up their back and giving them a bad headache.

But that brilliant raven-haired human made it better, he made them feel so at peace with everything. They finally felt whole. Kek had lived their entire life feeling partially empty and no matter how content or happy they were, there was always a part of them that missed something they never even had to begin with, no matter how many shiny jewels they found or shark teeth they brought to their parents, they had felt like they had always been missing something.

But now..

Now they had their human in their arms, and they were finally in his. Their mother had told them what it would be like when they finally connected, but they could never have even begun to imagine this feeling. They felt like their whole heart was melting for Sero, their soul singing with joy that they had finally been reunited. The stardust within their very bones was rekindling and Kek was certain that whatever Sero was made out of, they were made out of the same stuff.

This didn't feel like a first meeting, it felt like a reunion.

Kek had been tracking Sero for a few years now, but out of their own sheer stubbornness, they didn't do anything about it. Besides, their human had always been in some huge metal monster and although Kek had tried to start a fight with it a few times, nothing ever seemed to work. They hadn't even known what Sero looked like until they spied him through the strange eyehole of one of the deep-sea metal monsters. They had totally panicked and swam off when the human's eyes turned to them.

Not long after that encounter, where they was hypnotized and followed by those beautiful dark eyes, the following weeks after was absolute agony for Kek. For one, they hadn't felt Sero in the water for a long time and it got to the point where they thought that was going to be it for them. Their mother had boxed them over the ears several times for not heeding to their call sooner, she had always told them their pride would be their downfall, and in those final days, they believed her. They had just settled down to sleep when suddenly a bolt of feverish joy shot through them, and they were up and swimming for their life in an instant.

Their stupid human was back.

But that was when it happened. They hadn't been careful enough. One moment they were darting through the water and the next they were being hauled up into a boat, thrashing, clawing, and snapping at the humans that dared to try and come close to them. They obviously hadn't fought hard enough because when they woke up they were in a old and dirty tank. The water was a disgusting greenish color and was hard to breathe. They humans poked at them the sharp sticks that sent harsh electrical shocks through their body.

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