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Now I'm sitting here infront of the so called 'Hokage'. Not sure who the hell that is but bandage-guy said that's this guys name.

"So, mind stop joking around with us kid?" the Hokage asks me with a kinda angry or stressed expression. "I'm not joking. And to be honest I'd really like to know where the hell I am now." Me lying? This old man seems not to know who I am. "Show some respect to the Hokage kid!"one of the other mans sitting with us in the room screams at me. This dude! He's making me angry and I can feel my chakra rising dangerously. The others seem to notice it as well regarding their terrified looks on their faces when the temperature in the room drops due to my cold aura surrounding me.

"Eh ehm... anyway. So you're telling us that you're the son of the Rikodo Sennin, Indra Otsutsuki?"the Hokage tries to break the icy silence. "That's what I said, yes." "That's bollocks, Hokage-sama. Indra Otsutsuki is long dead. Defeated by his brother Ashura. There is no possible way that this kid is him."

I roll my eyes. These people are annoying. Even more than Ashura was back then, always wanting me to play with him. Ashura...I wonder what he's doing, now that I'm no danger to the villagers anymore. The Hokage seems to be considering something. "Is there a way I could prove that I am the real Indra?" Gods I'm loosing patience here. WAIT! Did that dude say long DEAD?! Does that mean...does that mean I'm not in my timeline anymore? Aw man this is getting more and more troublesome every passing minute since I woke up in this damn forest.

"Excuse me!" I say. " Yes?" " it possible that I am in the future? Because ehm...well it seems you guys think I died long time ago which shouldn't be possible because I just fought my brother this morning. At least in my time it was this morning." I ask, muttering the last part more to myself than the other people here. "I'm afraid yes. That is the only explanation for your situation right now." The Hokage looks at me with this disgusting pityful expression in his eyes. How much I hate this look. I'm noone to pity. I don't deserve other ones pity. Not for what I did to Ashura and father and the village.

The Hokage rises to speak again"Well Indra. Would you mind telling us what exactly happened before you came into our village? I'm sure it would help to find a way to bring you back to your time." "Sure. So I was fighting Ashura and then my father and the villagers combined their power and transferd it to Ashura. When my brother destroyed my Susano'o, he tried talking some sense into me but I refused to listen because of my jealousy. Anyways, when his final attack hit me, I couldn't dodge it. When I thought I should be dead, I woke up in this forest a few miles away from this village. At first I was a bit shocked to see that I'm a kid again.Since I didn't know where I was, I just started walking north and came by. Then you know what happened."I ended my speech and looked at bandage-guy and the stick-dude.

"Mhm. I think it would be best for now if I gave you an appartment and then we'll see tomorrow what we can do. It's already late and you're probably tired from your little timetravel and the fight." I look outside and notice that it's already dark. "Yes, I suppose that is the best. Thank you for your understandment and kindness." I say with a small bow. "There's really no need for you to bow, Indra. Anyway, Izumo! Would you show Indra his appartment please?!" He tells stick-dude or Izumo, how he called him. "O fcourse Hokage-sama." said one obeys.

He makes his way towards the door and I follow him. Just before I'm about to head out, the Hokage speeks again."Good night Indra and be sure that we'll fugure out how to get you back." he tells me with a smile. "Thank you and good night."

As Izumo and I reached my new home, he hands me a key and says goodbye to me. I was about to respond but he was already gone. 'Rude much' I think and open the door. I'm gonna explore tomorrow. Right now I'm too tired. After searching for the bedroom I can finally make my way to bed. I took off my shoes and right after laying down, I was already gone.

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