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George is staying at Wilbur's house idk why.

This is very old and shit go read my other oneshots

George is kind of a pussy tho in this-

Wilbur's POV:

It was 2AM and I couldn't sleep the storm was to loud for me.

Of course I like the storm. The thunder ragin for some reason gave me comfort. And the lighting was giving me a beautiful view out of my window.

It was a calm night for me, tho I did hear a yelp from the guest bedroom but decided to ignore it since if I listen to it more im going to have to get out of my bed to chek for my cerous ass.

As I was about to close my eyes until I heard stumbles in the kitchen.

"Hmmm George probably couldn't fall asleep" I murmured to myself quietly still sleepy.

After a few seconds a big lightning crash came. All I could hear was George yelping and quickly stumbling to my bedroom door. After that I could only hear a big breath and two knocks.

"Can I come in?" George said very quietly.

"Come in" I said back just enough for him to hear.

George slowly entered the room looking scared.

"Are you ok you look like you just saw a ghost?"

George only stood there awkwardly fidgeting with his hodie laces.

"C-Can I sleep with you?

"I-uhhhh wow calm down romeo"

"Not like that! Im scared."

"What, why are you scared?"

"Im afraid of thunderstorms.."

"Hahahahaha awwww poor gogy doesn't like thunderstorms." I said teasingly.

"You know what im not afraid at all. If you're going to laugh then good night im sleeping alone."

And George left. I could hear George angrily stomping back to the guest bedroom murmuring something under his nose.

Not long after another big lightning crash came and then again and again.

" I guess the thunderstorm is not going away any time soon." I said under my breath.

Progressing into the night the storm just got louder so did George's yelps.

As I felt my eyelids getting heavier I started to drift of to sleep. But of course my peaceful time had to be ruined by two knocks against my door again.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes." I groaned back

As I felt George enter my bedroom his eyes piercing right into me.

"You can laugh but please dont leave me alone im scared."

For some reason I felt like smiling. Why did George make my cheeks fell hot. Why did my stomach explode with butterflies. Those all were questions that could be answered easily.

"Fine get in here." I responded.

I lifted the blanket so George could get in.

George slowly crawled up to my bed and layed down as far away as possible from me.

I didn't really like that, I wanted to cuddle with George. I wanted to play with his brown fluffy hair. I wanted to stare into his chocolate eyes. I wanted to kiss his pink soft lips.

A big lightning crash snaped me out of my imagination. George trembled and got closer to me.

I bet I looked like a tomato.

The lighting crashes got louder and louder so you can tell how close George was to me. George was basically clinging onto my shirt for his dear life.

I patted his back so George would at least calm down a little.

Finally the storm was quiting down.

Now George was letting go of my shirt and starting to hug me instead.

I proceeded to hug him back. It was a nice feeling, his brown hair below my chin if I wanted I could play with them but I decided not to even how tempting it looked, I didn't want to come of as creepy.

The storm was now gone only rain left. I could hear George's snores below me. I felt my eye lids getting heavier and heavier until I was sound asleep.

Words: 666

Ty so much for reading this one was pretty short but I enjoyed writing it.

Have a good day/night❤

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