🌧️/☀️ i provide you some scrap [1]

Start from the beginning

Hailey, Zander, and Luke turn toward Drew, who suggested the timer idea. Hailey gives a smile, pleased that at least someone agrees with her. Zander pipes up, adding on to Drew's suggestion. 

"And if you're not back by then, we'll go and find you." 

Hailey suddenly shakes her head. "No, don't. This is the only safe place we've been, and there's no way to figure out where this would be if you all left. If we all stray from this point, who knows what could happen?" 

The group goes silent for a few moments. Luke, having been silent as of so far, gives one final suggestion. 

"I'll go if you're not back. I don't want to put the rest of you in danger, and if anything happens to either of us while we're gone, I know you can stick together." He directs the last sentence toward Zander and Drew, the two of them grimacing at each other. 

"Or—" Luke turns his gaze back toward Hailey, "I could come with you now. That way, there'd be two in each group and no one would be separated." 

Zander was barely listening. The way his sister and boyfriend were acting was extremely brave, and he didn't want to let either of them go. 

Though, that wasn't the main thing on his mind. 

Hailey's demeanour. It wasn't like her. She may be an assertive person, but she never got aggresive and bossy unless she knew exactly what she was doing. 

The way she used the word captor when none of them knew it was even a person behind all this. But she did. 

The way she didn't want the group to follow or find her. 

The way she was willing to leave her friends, possibly never coming back. 

"Luke, wait." 

Zander grasps Luke's hand, the two of them making eye contact. Luke gives his boyfriend a sympathetic smile, clearly dejected about leaving him. 

The plum-haired boy envelops the boy he loves in a tight hug, making sure to keep his face close to Luke's ear. 

"Please... don't go. I don't know what it is, but there's something off with Hailey. I don't want you to get hurt..." Zander whispers, proceeding to bury his face in Luke's shoulder. 

They part, Luke's hands on Zander's shoulders. 

"I know you're worried, but we have to do this if we want to get out of here. Who knows, perhaps we'll find the others if we look far enough." 

Zander looks down in defeat, knowing he can't change his mind. Luke nudges Zander's chin up to look at his eyes, their lavender and butterscotch irises twinkling as they lean into each other and share one last embrace. 

Drew's POV 

I don't know why, but I don't trust Hailey. The way she was acting was too outgoing. Up until now, she'd been nearly silent until only the four of us remained. 

And now she's taking Luke away, leaving me with Zander. Maybe she knew what she was doing all along; Luke's too kind to sit back and not give a hand. 

I knew that Zander, Luke and Hailey were extremely close. Chances are, they'd throw me under the bus and let me get taken first. 

Especially Zander. 

Speaking of him, he walks over to me, sitting down inches away from my motionless gaze. I don't have to look at him to know he's probably feeling sad about the two people he cares about leaving him. 

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