❤️ 🌧️ - love letter

762 2 0

Ships: Romantic Dracy 

mood/genre: angst  

Request by: kitthekate 

The bell rang to signal the end of the day. Stacy grabbed her books to store them in her backpack to bring home. Before she exited the english classroom, she noticed a slightly crumpled, slightly folded up piece of paper in the recycling bin. 

Moving away from the door as to not block anyone's way, she crouches near the bin to read the paper. Something about it seemed... familiar to her, and she just wanted to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her. 

Dear Drew; 

I just wanted to preface this by saying I'm sorry. This shouldn't have happened, and I just wanted to apologize for what you're about to read. 

To cut to the chase, I think I'm in love with you. 

I know, it sounds like it's nothing. After all, it's just seven words on a paper; what difference does this make? 

You have your girlfriend, and I know you're a loyal person. You'd never stoop down to someone as pathetic as I, someone who couldn't even confront you upfront about my feelings. 

But I knew that you had to hear this. I've already faced rejection, and it's a terrible thing to experience. I didn't want to let myself down again, so I've written everything down this time. 

Isn't it funny that I always seem to fall for the people I can never have? Luke's taken now, you've been taken for years. 

But I know that if I never told you, the guilt of never trying would crumble me to smithereens. 

If you think there's any chance that we could be together, even just be friends, you can tell me. 

But if you don't think so—hell, if you hate me, or even not know who I am, then please spare me the feeling of failure. Throw this out, and never consider the fact that this ever happened. 

I'm sorry. 

- Stacy 

She didn't realize she was crying until she read the small bit at the bottom that she didn't remember writing. It was scrawled out in red ink, and slightly scribbled over. 

I love you too. 


the next few oneshots are probably going to be as short as this one, because I've been working on something >:D 


Ballad at Baker Street is the name of the newest tmf mystery fanfic I've been working on. It's inspired by BBC's Sherlock, but I've made it as original as I could. Luke is the star of the show, and I've included most of the main TMF characters as well. 

The prologue should be out by now, so check it out on my profile if this sounds like something you'd be interested in reading :) 

𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕦𝕖: platonic lenry fluff  

- word count: 469 

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