"Alright, Mr. George Weasley with Mr. Montague, Mr. Jordan with Ms. Warrington." Snape took out a list from his desk and began reading, "Mr. Pucey with Ms. Pearson, Mr. Fred Weasley with Ms. Santiago." Snape continued calling out names, but it was as if my brain had shut down. This was the worst pairing that could have happened.

"Are you okay?" Fred nudged my stomach.

"Yeah, I am fine." I replied but it wasn't fine.

"Do you want to talk to Snape about it? I kind of don't want you working with that scumbag."

"No, it's fine." I force a smile, "I don't want to make him even madder, and he would probably embarrass me if I told him."

Fred hesitantly nodded his head before he grabbed his things.

"Good luck, my love, I will be keeping an eye out, just in case."

"Pay attention to the assignment Fred." I chuckled at his overprotectiveness but was thankful for it regardless.

"I will see you after class, darling." Fred whispered before he made his way to his assigned station and I went to mine.

"Hey, Freddie." I heard Mireille give him a flirty greeting.

"Sup." I smiled at the curt answer he gave her. While I didn't trust either of the girls, I did trust Fred and I knew he wouldn't do anything.

"Hello, gorgeous." Pucey greeted me as he sat down beside me, his hand inching slowly to my thigh.

"Pucey." I greeted, grabbing his hand and placing it on the table in front of us. "I would appreciate it if you didn't try to touch me while my boyfriend is in the same room."

"So, what you are saying is I can touch you if your boyfriend isn't in the same room?" Adrian had a sickening smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh, God, no. Ew. I don't ever want you touching me." I replied, already exhausted from the class.

"We'll see about that, gorgeous, no one can resist me for too long." He muttered before we started working on the assignment.

My mood did not improve whatsoever throughout the class. In fact, it only seemed to dampen, since Adrian thought he was a master at potions and continued arguing with me about everything. He also kept trying to touch me, whether it was my arm, my thigh, or my hand; he kept trying to find an excuse to touch me.

"Your boyfriend doesn't seem to care too much that I am touching you." Pucey pointed out after I had scolded him once more. Silence overcame our station because I didn't have a rebuttal for him and I was tired of the back and forth bickering. I hated to admit it, but he was kind of right.

I thought that I wouldn't be the only one having a rough time with my partner, but Fred seemed to be enjoying his time. 

Although Fred was extremely cold towards Mireille in the beginning, I was surprised to hear her apologize for her behaviour during the summer, which I suppose made him tolerate her a little more. But she didn't stop there. She started making jokes. 

And Fred Weasley can't resist jokes. 

I could hear him begin to warm up to her until eventually, they were laughing together about something they had done.

"We make a great team, Freddie." Mireille spoke sweetly.

"Yeah, we do. I didn't think we would be able to brew a perfect potion." Fred chuckled.

By the end of class, all energy was drained from my body, both from Pucey and Fred's behaviours, obviously for totally different reasons.

"Hey, love, how was it? Did Pucey bother you?" A pang pierced through my chest at his broken assurance. He didn't keep an eye out and as much as I felt uncomfortable about the situation, he seemed so happy. I didn't want to aggravate him and cause him to start a fight with Pucey when he had just done so well in Snape's class.

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