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The sun shone over the cadets standing in a line with their hands tucked behind their backs. Y/n quickly felt the earlier excitement from joining the corps leaving as she watched Shadis go down the lines of cadets evaluating them. 

Y/n grimaced as she watched spittle fly from his mouth, droplets landing on the person's face as he hurled insults. She kept her face straight as he walked down the line bending down to her level his sunken eyes staring at her with mild distaste

"State your name and district cadet!" His gruff voice demanded as y/n brought her arm to her chest. She didn't really live in a district due to her living with her dads squad which constantly moved from the base to castle or moving around for random missions.  

Y/n thought back to when her dad met her mother, "y/n, Trost" she stated firmly. Shadis chuckled standing up "hiding last names are we? What are you a runaway who wanted to be big and join the army?!" 

The sound of chewing was heard throughout the seemingly quiet field despite shadis's constant yelling. His attention turned from her to a person y/n assumed to be behind her from his gaze. 

Y/n shivered, she would not want to be on the receiving end of that stone cold haze he was giving them, she really hoped whatever they were eating was worth it. 

Shadis's feet crunched on the sand filled ground as he made his way over to the brown haired girl shamelessly biting into a baked potato. Her brown eyes stayed forward as she took another bite. 

"And what do you think you're doing cadet?" The girl didn't tremble under his gaze but rather gave an awkward excuse as to why she was eating now. The cadets around her sweat dropped at her shamelessness as shadis dismissed them. 

Sasha turned to walk away but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder "not you, you are going to run until I say stop go!" 

The other cadets mumbled amongst themselves as they Shuffled to the dining hall, y/n sighed feeling out of place in a sea of strangers. 

Being with the survey corps had its perks but it also had its downsides, she wasn't able to properly socialize with kids her age causing her to be childish or more mature than others at times. 

Y/n turned around bumping into someone, she frowned as she looked up at them taking in their star struck gaze. "Uh erm I'm sorry I guess I was lost in thought" y/n mumbled as she took in his features,  his light brown hair was tousled and he had a longer face than most with a blush adorning his cheeks. 

He cleaned his throat standing up taller as he gave her a crooked smile "it's okay, you look pretty by the way" he looked away as y/n felt herself warm on the inside. This was her first compliment that didn't come from her family. 

Y/n smiled up at him "thanks, I'm y/n by the way" she replied holding her hand out for him to shake, he grasped it tightly "I'm Jean"

The wind entered through the opening door causing y/n's h/c hair to get in her face, y/n wiped it away with a huff grabbing a strand "stupid hair" she cursed to herself before thinking of training "maybe I should cut it?" She said aloud to herself 

Jean shook his head, "don't it looks very pretty on you" he sheepishly replied causing y/n to release the hair, "I agree but I think it might be better for training we will see" she replied giving him a small smile. 

They both joined the line of people waiting to get their food as the cook sloppily scooped somer carrots soup into a bowl and handed it to them. Y/n muttered a thank you going over to the only table with space in the crowded dining hall. 

Y/n waved shyly as she sat down "hello I hope I'm not intruding I'm y/n" she greeted as a blond boy looked up at her "no no your not intruding at all, I'm Armin, this is Mikasa and this is Eren" he happily replied as he pointed to each person in turn. 

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