The Sound Of Our Heartbeat(In Unison)

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On this Sunday morning, the city was weirdly sunny. There were people everywhere on the streets like it came back to life, and Kihyun thought that it was a completely different ambiance from when he decided to go away. How long had it been? Like two or three months? He didn't exactly, but it wasn't his main concern as he stepped in front of what used to be his doorstep. Ah god, he was so nervous. He could feel his hands sweat from it all, not used to be in this kind of situation.
"You're gonna be okay?" Hyunwoo was as sweet as ever when they got out of the train, hand in hand. The contact had Kihyun blushing, his hair still slightly disheveled as he had slept on Hyunwoo's shoulder most of the ride home. The writer couldn't help but think it was really fucking cute. After all, their last night at the house had been rather...Busy, to say the least. The simple thought had the youngest blushing madly, looking away for a few seconds. It felt weird to be on the station again, in Seoul's busy streets, but there was something familiar with it. He knew he wouldn't be away from Hyunwoo for too long either way.
"Yeah, I am...Just nervous. But I think me and Minhyuk need this talk."
Hyunwoo had nodded as he got closer to his boyfriend. He kissed his forehead tenderly, knowing no one was watching them.
"It'll go well. I'll be there for you. Call me if anything, okay? I love you."
Kihyun had smiled, looking up at his partner. He felt at peace, knowing he had Hyunwoo to back him up.
"I do too."
So here he was now, in front of Minhyuk's apartment, knocking on the door. He really hoped the older man would answer, his foot thumping on the floor nervously. He hadn't talked with Minhyuk in months; and knew this was a much-needed discussion now. Just to end it all formally and correctly, because his hyung wasn't a bad guy. Really wasn't one, he was all the opposite. He was an incredible person, someone very bright and funny, and Kihyun wished him all the best in his acting career. He was promising for sure. Sadly, they just weren't meant to be. It was life, and he hoped the two could stay friends. 
"Kihyun?" Minhyuk just opened the door, face falling in shock. He didn't change at all, instead of for his now orange hair. It made him smile; it fitted him very well. Minhyuk had always been a pretty guy, after all, anyone with two eyes could see it.
"Hi. Long time no see. Can we talk?"
The orange haired-man nodded, despite being shocked and confused. He was quick to let his ex-boyfriend get inside.

"Where are you going?" Was the first real thing he asked as Kihyun was making his boxes. The air was a bit awkward, of course, but Minhyuk happily didn't look angry. Not much changed in the house; it was still bright, and his art material was still on the corner of their desk. He had been lucky to fall on Minhyuk, a mature man, and not some psycho who would've thrown all of his stuff away. He was glad. 
"Uhm, well...That's a long story. Can we like, at first just...Talk about us first? Then I'll tell you everything." 
"Yeah. I'll help you with your boxes meanwhile."
Truly, a good man. It would have been a shame that they broke up if Kihyun hadn't met Hyunwoo. Minhyuk was such a nice guy and really wanted him to be happy. So Kihyun started talking, sitting on the bed for two seconds as he packed his clothes. It was so nerve-wracking; he made sure to look away, not too sure about how to handle it all. He knew Minhyuk wasn't someone impulsive or easily offendable, but it was still a touchy situation.
"I'm sorry for the way it ended. I should have texted you back, and tried to talk it all through. I really should have handled it better."
A loud sigh left the smaller man's lips as he looked at the ground. He felt a bit guilty for the awkwardness between them at the moment and wished it could have been easier. Of course, it wasn't like they had the biggest and most dramatic breakup, not at all, but he hated that it could be very awkward between them. Obviously, the atmosphere wouldn't be the same as it started; it would probably take some time before they would be fully comfortable with each other, but it was okay.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. I think we both have some things to hold against ourselves, and it's not like it ended that badly…" So they talked about how it ended, and how they wanted to stay on good terms. Love was a temporary thing more often than not, and while it hurt at first, now, Kihyun was okay. Ready to leave all the memories with Minhyuk behind, and create more but in a friendly context.
All that while they were doing Kihyun's boxes, and the man was grateful for the help. He really was, and the fact he had fixed that problem with Minhyuk taking a weight off his shoulders. 
"So, where are you going? I still wanna know. You see, I have to verify my favorite hamster is going somewhere good." The tone was light, a smile on Minhyuk's face, and Kihyun told himself the next person to have him would be lucky. He was lucky too; having Hyunwoo was like a gift. "I met a man on the train.." 
So Kihyun told him. Told him everything about how he met Hyunwoo, what happened between them. At the end of his story, Minhyuk was smiling big, visibly happy. 
"I'm glad you found someone else, Ki'. You deserve it. I hope I'll be able to meet him."
"Of course. When you want, I'm sure he'll love you."
At this point, Kihyun and Minhyuk were done with the boxes. Being the angel he was, the oldest man accepted to help his ex and used his cars to bring everything. As the artist was getting out of the car, Minhyuk flashed him a smile and got out of the car to also help him move everything to the Appartement.
"You'll be okay?"
Of course he would be. With someone like Hyunwoo; so kind, caring, thoughtful, beautiful...He felt all over the place just thinking about his sweet, perfect lover.
"Yeah, don't worry hyung. Let's stay friend?"
"Of course, I wanna make sure I can say I know the best artist ever." 
Kihyun smiled too and offered a hug to his friend with the heart light. He really felt good today, like he was finally moving forward. Everything was so new, and it was kind of scary, but also really good. Kihyun truly was ready for it all. He believed everything would be okay; he wasn't alone and had a lot of projects now. His inspiration was back, all thanks to Hyunwoo, and he would never give up again.

The latter got in the Appartement because his boyfriend told him about the key under the doormat. So cliché but so Hyunwoo, he couldn't help the smile on his face as he placed everything. It was clean, full of books and pictures on the walls, and the smaller man already felt good there. Home. Truth be told, everywhere with Hyunwoo would feel like home, from now on.
And later, when the older man came back, he was surprised to see his apartment so full. He was used to living alone, but he wouldn't mind the company if it was his dongsaeng. He truly wouldn't mind, and the simple thought had him smiling dumbly. Kihyun made him feel like a teenager in love all over again.
Speaking about him. He was there, sleeping on the couch. Hyunwoo didn't have the heart to wake him up, so he settled next to him on the sofa. He was careful to not wake the younger boy, wrapping his arms around the latter's waist and putting his head in his neck. Just cuddling like that made him feel all giddy inside, and he could not believe he was feeling this happy. It felt so comfortable, so...Right. Hyunwoo knew he had probably just found the right person for him; but anyway, they would both see where it would go. They were fully ready to give it a try, no pressure, just love.

"A date? Right now?" The younger man was incredulous, now woken up and still in his boyfriend's embrace. After the normal questions like how did it go? How are you feeling? and such things, Hyunwoo had suddenly asked him out on a date. Kihyun knew it was ridiculous to get flustered by his own lover asking him out, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't expecting it now, to say the least. His cheeks were fully red now…
Hyunwoo giggled a bit, enamored with Kihyun's adorableness. 
"Yes. A date. I wanna make it proper, please."
Kihyun smiled, big. Ah, Hyunwoo was way too cute. It was sudden, but who was he to complain? Just thinking about a date had his heart racing.
"Okay. Let's go, then."
"And tomorrow, we'll blow my manager's mind out with that project we're doing.
"Damn yes, we will!"
They both laughed it off, the melody of their heartbeat resonating in the room. They would be okay, definitely.
It was even clearer, with the way Hyunwoo later had Kihyun on his back, running through the streets of seoul. Maybe some people were looking at them weirdly, they knew it, but they couldn't give less a damn. They were happy and in love, and there was no point in hiding it. It wasn't even possible; not with the way their faces were stretched into the biggest smile, one only a man in love could have.

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