Of books, blowjobs and massage

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"The crystal wind" was not a book Kihyun was expecting to see in the elder's house. Maybe it had been his mother who read that, as he knew some items in there were still hers, but he doubted that an old woman like her would read such a book. Though, if it was really Hyunwoo's as he suspected, the boy clearly marked a point. 
Kihyun had been unable to sleep for quite some time, so he got up early and started wandering on the bookshelves in the house, and found that little gem. Though he really, really loved The Little Girl That Loved Tom Gordon, he may love even more that book and he sat down on the sofa with a smile. He knew Hyunwoo wouldn't mind him actually taking a book and reading it, so that was what he did. Reading it for what he thought was the third time. He was still waiting for the third volume.
Hyunwoo was a bit late to get up, surprisingly, but it was probably because he slept late yesterday. He had been too engrossed in writing and Kihyun didn't feel like bothering him, knew inspiration could strike at random moments, and needed to be exploited. 
"Good morning!"
The other man bent down, which Kihyun thought was funny but kind of cute. Nevertheless, he put down the book and started preparing food for both of them. Once it was done and they were eating, the artist finally grasped the subject. Also, maybe, in a corner of his head, he couldn't stop thinking about how cute Hyunwoo's bed hair was.
"Crystal wind…" Hyunwoo's head immediately lifted up, as if he was actually a bit anxious or scared about something. Did he think Kihyun would judge? This book is freaking awesome and won so many prizes. Who would judge that?? "You have absolutely awesome taste. Though I love all the books here, I gotta say this one might be my favorite. Who's your favorite character?" 
The taller man smiled, as if he was relieved, and took a moment to think. "Hmm, probably Aisha." And that was a surprising answer because people usually slept on her. She was secondary to the plot, the main character's sister, actually, but Kihyun liked her well. "I'm probably fucking not original if I answer Ho-Sook, right?" Was Kihyun's answer, with a chuckle. He was probably the most liked character though he wasn't even the main.
"It used to be my fav too." Hyunwoo had this amused smile on his face as if he knew something that Kihyun didn't. As he was about to ask, Hyunwoo spoke again. "Can I tell you something, Kihyun?"
Kihyun nodded, eager to know.
"It's my book." At this, the younger man laughed. 
"I figured out, it's in the bookshelf."
"No, I mean, I wrote it. I'm here to write that damn third volume, actually, and it's driving me crazy. I started writing Ho-Sook character when I was still dating my ex, and yeah, largely inspired by him, but I started hating that character and made it fucking despicable after we broke up." Hyunwoo laughed, and Kihyun's mouth was agape. Wait what? "It's funny because Hoseok is my best friend, right? But I planned so much shit for that character that it killed any love I have for him."
So here was Kihyun, on a Sunday morning, in a stranger's house, that was also the author of his two favorite books. The smaller boy didn't know what to do with that awesome information, feeling frozen and blessed at the same time.
The writer in front of him just laughed again as he ate blueberries.
"I'm just a normal human being, not some kind of celebrity. I'm not a BTS member, Kihyun." The smile on his face was amused, and the said man blinked a few times before focusing back on his partner.
"Sorry, I'm just-Wow, man, you're a freaking diamond. Your books are like, masterpieces. I read them all way too often."
The amused smile transformed into a shy one, and Hyunwoo's eyes were trained on the table as his face started getting a bit red. It was an adorable sight.
"Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Then I guess I can let you maybe read what I started on time three?"
Kihyun felt like the luckiest man on the earth at that moment, or like a child at Christmas, way too happy to have his gift. He quickly found himself nodding eagerly.
"I owe you one, you're the best, hyung!"
"Hyung? That's new." Hyunwoo had that horrible satisfied smirk on his face, but Kihyun felt too happy to be very demotivated by it.
"What will my reward be?"
And the older looked so serious when he settled his eyes on Kihyun like he was expecting... Something. The implication of such a thing happening had Kihyun's face turn red and his eyes widened in surprise. Was….Was he really serious about all that? Did he really have to repay him in that way for his hospitality?
"You should see your face!" The older burst out laughing, and Kihyun's face fell. He looked annoyed, which made Hyunwoo laugh even more. He didn't even mean that at first, but the fact that Kihyun thought about it one-shot was...Special. Mostly, it was very funny.
"I was thinking about something like a massage, but I mean, if you want to…" Obviously, the last part was said as a joke, and Kihyun had the urge to kick the boy under the table.
"No! Ew! I'm not touching your dick any time soon." Hyunwoo laughed again. Kihyun couldn't help but laugh too.
"Aw, are you sure?" The smallest man rolled his eyes, but the amused smile on his lips was betraying him.
"Yes. But...I have a deal for you." A pause. Kihyun realized how wrong it sounded. "About, about something not sexual."
"I figured out." Hyunwoo was absolutely laughing at him right now, the bastard. Kihyun would definitely take revenge soon.
"I'll massage you if your first chapter is good."
"Wow, so I have to live up to your expectations of masterpieces?"
"Better be damn impressive."
The two boys shared a smile, finished eating, and went straight to Hyunwoo's desk.

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