Tommy's Lullaby

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Tommy stood on the docks just inside L'manberg. It was a beautiful day, the birds were singing happily in the surrounding trees. The sun was bright overhead and it was warm against his skin. The many flags of L'manberg were whipping gently in the wind. The sparkling water surrounding the nation was a bright blue, just as it was the day they all worked together to fill the once empty canals. It looked ever so inviting.

Tommy saw Karl and Quackity across the way, bickering about who's method of casting a fishing line was best for optimal fish catching. Quackity seemed to be winning that argument, as he used his foot to hold Karl back as he cast his line – The two ultimately ended up rolling on the pier, laughing their asses off. Tommy laughed, rolling his eyes at the two as he walked along the docks. Other L'manberg citizens were out and about because why not? It was a gorgeous day after all.

Tommy waved when he saw Tubbo standing on the balcony of their shared house, holding a lead with a bee buzzing on the end of it.

Tommy took a deep breath, basking in the sunlight. His exile was over. He was finally home and it was beautiful. Everything seemed to have paused while he was away, as if waiting for him to return and press play.

As he walked up the pier he saw Jack sitting on the docks beside a boat, repairing the vessel. "Ayup, Jack!" Tommy said cheerfully, he was in an incredibly good mood and he wasn't going to let anybody ruin it. Jack gave him a smile and wave with the hammer in his hand, before returning to the broken boat.

"Tubbo! Big man!" Tommy made his way up the stairs towards Tubbo. The steps creaked under his weight and he laughed softly, remembering the time he and Tubbo worked all night to repair the staircase only for the sun to rise the next morning and prove their crafting skills inadequate.

Tubbo stayed where he was on the balcony, holding his bee tightly as Tommy approached. It seemed as though he was frozen in some sort of fear? That couldn't be right. Tommy stopped where he was, about ten feet from the boy. Tubbo didn't move, he stared at Tommy –no, he stared through Tommy.

 Tommy frowned, he expected Tubbo to have a big reaction – or any other reaction besides whatever the fuck this was. He was home now! They could play together again! He couldn't help but feel hurt at this, he tried to shake the feeling away. He had been in exile for quite some time after all, not everyone would be used to seeing him around again, surly. 

"Tubbo? Tubbo! Its me! Tommy! Big T!" Tommy gave an awkward laugh, waving gently at the boy. He wasn't sure what to do, should he get closer to him? Tubbo's expressionless face turned, and not to the large, cheerful smile Tommy was expecting. Complete and utter fear filled the boy's eyes, he let go of the lead he was holding – the bee flying away as if it too feared for its life.

"Tu-Tubbo..." As soon as the words left Tommy's lips they were consumed in the thick air. A strange, but familiar melody was being carried through the wind all around him, he felt it consume him like a warm embrace. It was angelic like, and he turned in all directions, looking for the source. 

"Where is this...?" Tommy spoke again, unsure if Tubbo could hear him. Tubbo said nothing, fear still present in his eyes as he pointed over Tommy's shoulder to a small house behind him. Tommy followed Tubbo's gesture – why had he not seen this house before? Was it Wilbur's? It was certainly Wilbur's voice that echoed through the air around him. Tommy stared towards the small house, it was a simple house, sheer curtains covered the small windows and blew gently in the warm breeze. All the sounds of L'manberg seemed to fade away, overtaken by this beautiful melody.

Wilbur's soft voice and gentle guitar playing gave Tommy a strange sense of comfort, and Tommy closed his eyes for a moment. It was a lullaby. It was his lullaby. The lullaby Wilbur would often play for Tommy ages ago. He hadn't herd this song in years. 

Tommy slowly made his ways towards the house, the oak door was being held open by a small stone. Tommy stepped inside. Wilbur was there. Their eyes met. His fingers gracefully plucking the chords on his guitar. He didn't stop singing when Tommy entered, just flashed him his trademark grin.

In that moment Tommy felt something stir deep inside of him. He didn't know what it was, it felt like an intense emotion.


He felt an overwhelming sense of grief consume him. He gripped at his chest.

"Tommy." Tommy's whole body went numb. He couldn't move. He couldn't breathe.


Tommy gasped for air as his eyes shot open. He was laying on the hard ground just outside of Logstedshire. He felt Dreams heavy hand on his chest, rubbing it vigorously, trying to pull the boy from his unconscious state.

"Breathe Tommy." Dream instructed the younger boy. Tommy's heart was racing, pounding in his ears and muffling all other sounds. his eyes darting around, taking in his surroundings. Where was Tubbo? Wilbur!? No! That wasn't a dream! Surly not!

"Deep breaths Tommy. I'm right here, you're okay now." Dream's voice was soothing –familiar. Pulling Tommy from his panicked state. His eyes focused on Dream as he followed the older boy's breathing. In through his nose. Out through his mouth. Deep breathes.

"Good boy..." Dream let out a soft sigh of relief. He sat back on his knees and put an empty potion bottle back into his bag.

"Next time don't jump in the way of the TNT when I set it off, Tommy. It's for your own good." Dream said as he got up from the ground, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. He tilted his head, the masked smile staring down at Tommy. Did he want a response?

Tommy nodded, that was the only thing he could manage. He couldn't get any words out even if he wanted to. He focused on his breathing again.

"Good. Tommy, I just want you to be safe."

Tommy nodded again and with that Dream left through the portal. The purple particles consuming him as he disappeared. Tommy didn't want to be left alone, not again. He wanted to cry out – scream for Dream to stay with him. But he didn't.

The sky above him was an angry shade of gray. As if it would rip open at any moment. Once again Tommy was alone. In a strange state of shock and confusion.

His body was numb. Small drops of rain began pricking his skin like a thousand tiny needles. He didn't move. He didn't care.

That same, intense feeling of grief overcame him once again. This time it felt stronger than before, like it could rip him apart.

He curled up on his side as tears spilled down his cheeks uncontrollably. For the first time since his exile, Tommy wept. He wept for the friends he'd lost. The friends he knew he would surly never see again.  

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