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No ones going to adopt me... I'm too old to get adopted... No family wants a teen coming into their family out of nowhere. What if I stay stuck here my whole life? Where do they put me if I get too old? Why did my parents leave me in the first place? What did I do wrong? I was a kid...

I'm Kylie, I don't really remember my last name, since I couldn't really talk when I was brought to the orphanage. Ms. Wood had my birth certificate but I never had the chance to see it. 

I've seen so many kids leave the orphanage, the smiles on their faces when their new parents held them in their arms, made me feel so bad on the inside. It was like seeing your sibling getting spoiled, while you get nothing. I had a younger sister, but I have no clue where she is now. My parents didn't put her in the orphanage with me. They might have put her somewhere else, or they kept her. 

9 years at an orphanage might seem like a little or a lot to some people. For me, it was in between. Sometimes, I just wish I could go out whenever I wanted to and live my life freely. 

Evelyn was my best friend. She came into the Little Star Orphanage at the same time as me. Evelyn had her younger sister with her. We were both the same age, and liked most of the same things, cause we grew up together. She is like the sister I've never had. We shared a bunk bed in the Girl's room. In each room, there were 10 bunk beds. 20 girls in total in our room. We had 3 girl rooms and 3 boy rooms. Then, there were the toddlers' rooms, newborns to 4-year-olds slept there. In the lunchroom, we sit at tables of 8. We can sit where we want but we have to be careful not to be too loud. 

Hayley was Evelyn's sister. She was not much younger than us. She was 11 years old and arrived at the orphanage when she was 2 years old. Her parents passed away in an airplane crash so they were left in the streets. Ms. Wood found them and brought them to the orphanage the day I had arrived too. I didn't have a choice either. My parents wanted me here so, that's what I had to stick with. 

Here at the orphanage, 13-year-olds and up got electronics of their choice. We didn't get to pick what we wanted. It depended on how much money we saved up. Every Sunday, we go to church. After church, we go to a place called "Paradise Fountain" It's a place where we go to wash people's cars, help elders carry groceries, put up lemonade stands, or even sell clothes we no longer need.  We earned money from that so that we could save up for what we wanted to get. You could even help out at the cafeteria and make a little cash.  

With the money I saved up, I got an iPhone. It was a regular one, nothing special. 

Every day, kids were getting adopted. Ms.Marie helped out all the kids to get ready to leave with their new families. She was so kind, her smile made me want to smile even more. Ms.Marie had the parents' sign papers. I would watch them sign papers and then break down in tears. My heart turned cold and I had difficulties breathing. I still wondered every second of every day, why would they put their child up for adoption? Why did they decide to have a child if they were going to get rid of her? Why didn't my sister come with me? All this didn't make sense to me.

 9 years in here, and no one ever looked at me.

I think I will stay here forever... No family wants me anyways...

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