Chapter 11

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The house or Villa was looking big from outside but from inside it looks like an castle. I first noticed that I stopped walking as taehyung turned to me and saw me starring.

,, Bunny?"

,, Your house is so big, what kind of job are doing your parents? Are they millionaire? "

I look back at the beautiful face of Taehyung. But I should better not had ask that Tae looked fast away.

,, It begins to itch"

I almost forgot his wounds. I followed him in the living room.

I finished bandage and looked at his eyes and leaned to him as I was almost touching his lips he closed his eyes and lays his soft lips on mine. It was a wonderful feeling I never except that he would kiss that good. I learned back and helps him to get up. I turned around and make him fall on the sofa. I came over him and began again to kiss him he just let me do and kissed back. But then he stopped me from kissing his neck and sat up. I was a little confused but then he pushed me on my back so that I was on my back and he came over me. He gave me a short kiss and then lays his head on my chest.

,, I'm tired can I sleep here "

I just lay my arms around him. , it was unexpected I didn't thought he would like me too but he did kissed me. Carefully I get the blanket and lays it over us. Then I also closed my eyes. I was about to sleep but then I heard Tae's silent voice whispering.

,, Ty bunny I love you "

I acted like I would sleep already I was a little shy to answer his sweet words but then I said it to. I was never saying that to someone before but Tae was not someone he was mine ok not now but I hope soon.

,, Tae?"

He murmured as answer.

,, I love you too. "

,, Bunny "

I woke up because Tae was drawing the line of my nose up and down with his finger.

,, I'm sorry bunny but I have to do something you have to go. "

I just smiled slightly and looked at him perplexed, actually I had expected to sleep here what is he have to do at this time?

,, I'm first going if I know how your arm got wounds like this. I'm worried about you baby. "


I'm sorry that I don't right that much in the last time but now my school was starting again so I have a lot to do and also this story isn't the best I was thinking about to stop it should I?
But also this chapter I don't know what this is I was righting so boring things so that I stopped for long but now I change the story to fast or didn't I I just wanted to right nothing boring anymore is this better?

And I also know the morning people are just skipping my questions but I would be happy if someone talks to me.

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