Start from the beginning

( six minute read )

Trigger Warning: The following piece discusses disordered eating.

It hurt me when my "friend" came up to me and said, "what are you, anorexic?" then laughed and walked away. He didn't really care, he didn't look close enough to see the pain. It hurts me when I see people glamorizing the thing that controlled me. The thing that took away six months of my life, the thing that severed all my friendships, and that I'm still recovering from to this day. The thing about eating disorders is that they take over your life. Every thought, every movement, every single little thing.

And it's exhausting, counting the calories on every single package, it's exhausting to be awake at two in the morning, sweating on the floor. It's exhausting to wake up, and slip a measuring tape around your waist, and cry because of what you see. And you're tired to the point where you have no voice, and every conversation takes a bit too much effort so why talk to people at all?

Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society
Substance Abuse and Trauma Treatment Centre
Tsow-Tun Le Lum means "Helping House"
To ensure we follow the physical distancing requirements and other recommendations identified in B.C.'s Restart Plan, Tsow-Tun Le Lum has reduced the number of residents within our Centre. We currently offer one residential program at a time with a limited number of residents.

You may be interested in our 3-week ONLINE program named 'Developing Personal Wellness'. This program introduces healthy coping skills to support individuals in their recovery. For more information, or if you're interested in participating in our programs, please click the 'Referral Packages' tab in the menu bar. Our staff and cultural teams are providing confidential outreach services such as counselling and cultural support by phone, video, or other means as possible. To access cultural support or outreach services please call our toll-free line at 1-888-403-3123; or our main office at (250) 390-3123. Further information, and support can be found on our Facebook page - Tsow Tun Le Lum RHSW Support.

r Facebook page - Tsow Tun Le Lum RHSW Support.

Thuy Namut
Substance Abuse Program

Grounded in Aboriginal culture and tradition, this 40-day intensive residential program is available to First Nations people. Holistic in nature, the program is for those who are ready to put substance abuse behind them.
Learn More

Trauma Program

Kwunatsustul is a Second Stage Recovery program with a focus on trauma. This program is designed to address the multitude of Mental Health and Trauma issues being faced in community. Funded by First Nations Health Authority.

Split Wolf With Human Hands
Clients in treatment have realised that they have negative and positive personality traits. Often times we allow animal instincts to dominate our lives. We fail to control our appetites.

Treatment helps us turn away from all that is negative and seek out all that is good in our humanity. The "Split Wolf" may be interpreted as the emergence of the humane (the good, the positive side of the personality, as well, the hands may be seen along a vertical axis, one pushing away from all negativity, the other drawing toward everything positive.)

The use of an earth-tone red, should be a rather obvious symbol; the choice of the wolf design may not be quite so obvious. On the West Coast, wolves represent authority, law and order, and control. Clients certainly will be seeking self-control. Also, wolves are known for their intelligent co-operation during their hunts. Clients, too, will want to help each other as they search for their stronger self and healthier lives.

The white star created by the junction of the heads and hands, symbolizes the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Everyone seeking treatment is also seeking enlightenment. Treatment should improve the health of the body and mind, enlightenment is treatment of the spirit.

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