"Want me to go with you? I can give them my condolences and maybe help just make sure it's completely safe." Fin offered, not wanting her to go alone.

Olivia gave him a small, appreciative smile. "Maybe you could stop by tomorrow since they'll be busy settling in today. I don't want to overwhelm them too much right now." She whispered.

"No worries, Cap. I'll cover you while you're out." Fin replied, walking out of the office with her after she grabbed her jacket and bag.

"Thanks, Fin. I'll see you later." Olivia responded, giving him a light smile as she left to go to Queens.


Arriving at Kathy's house, where the Stabler kids were raised, Olivia tried to prepare herself as she went inside. She hadn't been in this house in over ten years and it still looked the same, inside and out. She took a quick sweep of the downstairs area, making sure no one was there; figuring the kids would be upstairs waiting for her. As she checked the other rooms to see that they were empty, she walked into the far back bedroom, Maureen's old bedroom, and her heart shattered. The kids, including Luke and little Tyler, were all sitting together on the bed, crying in each other's arms.

"Hey, guys." Olivia whispered softly, trying not to startle them. Their heads snapped towards her and they all shot up off of the bed, except for Luke who was holding Tyler in his arms, and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry." She whispered, not knowing what else to say as she tried to hold in the new round of tears forming in her eyes.

"I can't believe she's gone." Maureen whispered once they all pulled away and Kathleen took her sister into her arms again.

"I know, sweetie. I'm so sorry." Olivia whispered, sitting next to her on the bed and rubbing the blonde's back in slow circles as Luke moved over so Kathleen could sit on the other side of her sister.

"Dad should be here soon. He called me a few minutes ago but he sounded...weird." Kathleen whispered once Maureen's tears slowed down and eventually stopped.

"Weird how?" Olivia asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"He said that Mom should be home from the hospital soon but then he said that he needed to call the funeral home. It didn't make any sense. I'm worried, Liv." Kathleen whispered as her voice trembled and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Once we get to the safe house, I'll talk to him. Don't worry, guys. He'll be okay and you will be, too." Olivia tried to reassure them as she looked each young adult in the eyes.

Before anyone could say anything else, they heard the front door opening and footsteps coming up the stairs. Not wanting to take any chances, Olivia walked out of the room, closing the door behind her silently, and slowly took out her gun. She didn't raise it, however, when she saw that it was Elliot. She exhaled softly as she put her gun back in her holster and tried to smile at him. "Hey, Elliot." She whispered.

"Hey, Liv. What're you doing here?" Elliot asked, walking closer to her, a small smile trying to form on his lips.

"I'm taking you and the kids to the safe house, remember?" Olivia asked, trying not to grow concerned.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind." Elliot replied, shaking his head slightly as he rubbed his forehead.

"It's okay, I know." Olivia said softly, trying to give him a small, comforting smile. They walked to the back bedroom as Olivia opened the door and walked in with Elliot following behind her.

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