Another Day Of Love...But A Night Of Heartache

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Waking up the next morning, Elliot sighed heavily. His mind was going a mile a minute and he wished it would stop. Stepping into the shower, he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes as the water poured over him. He couldn't stop thinking about the night before. It was running on a continuous loop in his head. Over and over again.

Once he was done showering, he dried off and got dressed. Walking into the kitchen, he made himself some eggs and toast as the events of last night ran through his mind once again.


"Sheila Porter?" Elliot asked.

"Who are you?" The woman responded, taking a seat in the chair.

"I'm Elliot Stabler. You don't know me but I know you and I have some questions." He replied, crossing his arms.

"About what?" Sheila asked.

"Noah Porter-Benson. You kidnapped him two years ago." Elliot stated matter-of-factly.

Sheila flinched as she heard his name. "His name is Noah Porter." She snarled.

Elliot furrowed his brow. "Olivia Benson adopted him. His name is Noah Porter-Benson. She's his mother." He replied, his brow furrowing.

"Why? 'Cause a judge signed a piece of paper? That doesn't make her his mother." Sheila seethed through gritted teeth.

"Actually, it does." Elliot responded, trying to stay calm.

"He's MY blood. He's MY family." Sheila spat, clenching her fists, remembering having a similar conversation with Olivia two years ago.

"Just because he's your blood doesn't mean Olivia isn't his family. She's been raising him since he was a baby. She's his mother." Elliot stated, starting to walk around the small jail cell. Feeling like he was trying to explain something to a child.

Sheila sighed, dropping it. "What about him?" She asked.

"Why did you kidnap him?" Elliot asked, still pacing back and forth.

"That boy is MY grandchild. He doesn't belong with that woman. He belonged with me." Sheila spat harshly.

"Why doesn't he belong with her? No living family claimed him. She stepped up." Elliot countered back, trying not to strangle this woman.

"I didn't even know he existed! If I had, I would've taken him in! Ellie and I hadn't spoken in years so I had no idea where she was, let alone the fact that she was pregnant. If I did, I would've helped her! That child belongs with his family!" Sheila yelled. One of the guards stepped up to restrain her but Elliot waved him off.

"Noah IS with family. Even if she didn't give birth to him, Olivia is his mother now. I know that's hard for you to hear but that doesn't give you the right to kidnap him!" Elliot shouted, losing his temper slightly.

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