Oh, What A Dream

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except this story. Things used directly from the show are property of Dick Wolf and NBC.

He walked up to the scene, his eyes wide in shock. What the hell happened?

"Liv!" He called, seeing Olivia and Kathy talking by the ambulance.

Olivia turned around, her eyes wide in fear and shock. "Elliot." She whispered, walking up to him.

"What happened?" Elliot asked, watching Kathy climb into the ambulance as it sped away.

"Kathy called me. She said she went to check on Kathleen before she went to bed and Kathleen wasn't moving. When she moved closer to her, she couldn't find a pulse...and she found Kathleen's pills all over the floor." Olivia explained sadly, trying not to let her voice crack.

"Oh, my God." Elliot whispered, his eyes filling with tears as he ran a hand down his face.

"I'm so sorry, El." She whispered, reaching to grab his hand as she squeezed it gently.

"I need to go to the hospital. I need to see her." He rambled quickly.

"Okay." Olivia said softly, nodding.

"Come with me." Elliot requested, looking into her eyes.

Olivia nodded, following him to his car. She wasn't going to argue with him when his daughter's life was hanging in the balance. They reached his car and Elliot handed Olivia his keys, not speaking. He knew he was in no condition to drive. They got in and Olivia drove them to the hospital.


They walked into the waiting room and saw Kathy sitting in one of the chairs, tears streaming down her cheeks as her knee bounced rapidly, nervously.

"Kathy, where is she?" Elliot asked as he and Olivia walked up to the blonde.

"They're still working on her. I haven't heard anything yet." Kathy replied as she watched them sit down next to her.

Elliot nodded as his mind raced. He thought Kathleen was doing okay. Judging by her conversation with Olivia at the beach, she seemed to be doing better. It didn't make any sense.

"Family of Kathleen Stabler?" A doctor asked, walking into the waiting room.

"That's us." Elliot said, grabbing Olivia's hand as all three of them walked up to the doctor.

"We did everything we could but...we were unable to save her. I'm so sorry." The doctor informed them softly, sadly.

"No! Not my baby!" Kathy yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks as she collapsed onto the floor, sobbing hysterically.

Elliot had tears streaming down his face as he tried to pick Kathy up off of the floor and when she refused, he stood up straight and turned to Olivia. She was crying as well. He took her into his arms, roughly, almost knocking them both to the ground, as harsh sobs erupted from within them.

"My baby's gone." Elliot whispered, sobbing into Olivia's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, El. I'm here, I'm right here." She whispered into his ear, over and over again, as she continued to cry with him.

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