You Should've Come Back Sooner

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"Good morning, guys." Olivia greeted everyone with a light smile, walking into the squad room.

"Morning, Cap." They all replied collectively.

Olivia walked into her office, hanging up her coat and scarf before opening up her laptop as she sat down. She went to her email and saw that she had one in her inbox from Chief Dodds.

The new captain of Organized Crime and his lead detectives will be coming in to assist in your investigation of the murdered girls with drugs found on their bodies. Play nice.

-Chief Dodds

Olivia was slightly confused. She was used to Dodds giving her orders like this so she wasn't surprised but she didn't know who the new captain of Organized Crime was; why didn't Dodds just tell her? And why did he tell her to 'play nice'? She walked to the opening of her door and looked towards Fin. "Sergeant, can I see you in my office?" She asked, walking back to her desk.

Fin got up and walked into her office, closing the door behind him. "Yeah, Cap?" He asked, respectfully.

"Dodds just sent me an email saying that the new captain of Organized Crime is coming in with some of his detectives and that I need to 'play nice'," Olivia said, making air quotes with her fingers. "Do you know who it is?" She asked.

Fin shook his head. "No, I have no clue. Sorry, Cap." He said.

"No worries, I was just curious. Oh, excuse me." She said as her desk phone started to ring. She answered it as Fin nodded and left her office, going back to his desk.

"Everything okay?" Amanda asked, watching Fin walk back to his desk that adjoined hers.

"Yeah, all good." Fin replied.

A few minutes later, Olivia came out of her office and gathered everyone together. "So, we all know that it's been a hard few weeks and that's why Chief Dodds has informed me that he's bringing in the new captain and some lead detectives from Organized Crime to help us out. We're all on the same side here so, let's remember that as we work the investigation together. Thank you." She said, watching everyone disperse and go back to their desks.

"Cap?" Amanda asked, walking over to Olivia.

"Yeah?" Olivia replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, who's the captain of Organized Crime?" She asked.

Olivia was about to answer when she heard the elevator ding and waited for the captain and detectives. When they walked in, her breath caught in her throat and her heart stopped. She couldn't speak. She could barely breathe.

"Son of a bitch." She heard Fin say quietly. She would've reprimanded him but her brain had turned to mush.

The whole squadroom seemed to go quiet as they watched the captains greet.

"Captain Benson." The man greeted, extending his hand to shake Olivia's.

"Captain Stabler." Olivia greeted back, shaking his hand hard. Trying to keep her composure.

"Detective Tutuola." Elliot said, reaching out to shake Fin's hand, seeing the anger in Fin's eyes.

"Sergeant Tutuola." Fin corrected, gritting his teeth as he shook Elliot's hand roughly.

"My mistake." Elliot said apologetically. Then, he turned back to look at Olivia. "Can we speak in your office?" He asked.

Olivia nodded, not saying anything, as she led Elliot into her office.

Fin watched them go until Olivia shut the door then he shook his head and sat back in his chair at his desk.

"Who was that?" Amanda asked, clearly confused.

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