Ch. 35 Reality Check...

Start from the beginning

"You were saying..." Hinata says pointedly making you giggle.

You were carefully working on a bunny that you had almost completed, you were the closest out of everyone so far to complete one without breaking anything.

You were carefully working on a bunny that you had almost completed, you were the closest out of everyone so far to complete one without breaking anything

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"Oh my god everyone, come look! Y/n is so close." Kiyoko says excitedly.

You blush and mumble, "No pressure, right?"

"Come on y/n you can do it!" Hinata cheers. Making everyone snap to him, shushing him. "Oops sorry." He whispers, making you giggle at his over-enthusiasm.

With one last tiny crack sound it wiggles loose. You throw your arms up into the air happily. "I did it!!! Wooo!" High gives all around, just then you felt your phone vibrate and the alert tone sound.

Hitoka leans over your shoulder trying to peek at the message. "That him?"

"Yeah" you say quietly. The butterflies in your stomach have gone into over drive now. You set down your phone rubbing your palms against your dress to attempt to dry them a little. You turn to Hitoka and Kiyoko who pull you off to the side, sensing your anxiety.

"You can do it, girl" Kiyoko hugs you tightly.

You nod your head quietly accepting a hug from Hitoka as well. "Right, I can do this, I just gotta keep telling myself that."

You rush off to where you and Tsukki agreed to meet up.


Tsukki rushes through the festival streets trying to make it to where you said you would meet him. Turning a corner he happens upon Daichi still in uniform.

'He must have had to work the festival this year...'

As Tsukki gets closer it looks as though Daichi's laughing, his arms wrapped around someone. Sugawara is off to the side clutching his ribs laughing as well.
"Hey Suga, Daichi. You working the festival this yea... Gemma?"

"Tsukki??? I didn't expect I would see you here." Gemma smiles but her joy quickly changes at Tsukki's sour expression. His eyes assessing the situation before him.

Gemma begins to panic, realizing what it probably looks like shoving Daichi's hat into his hands then following after Tsukki who had already started to walk away. "Tsukki, you know Daichi's my best friend, I'm sure it looks like something's going on, but it isn't what it seems."

"And what would that be? How would you know what I think Gemma?" Tsukki's initial reaction is swift and irritated given the recent events with Kuroo. He then pauses, closing his eyes and taking a depth breath before continuing "Look it's fine, it's your life to do with what you want. It's not my place to judge, I won't say anything to Kuroo. I would never hurt him like that."

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