Chapter VIII

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Violet's POV The next morning comes but I can't get out of bed. I spent most of the night thinking. I don't want to go to school but I have to so I decide to get ready. I'm not usually a makeup person but I put it on to hide the fact I haven't slept all night. I finish getting ready for school and walk downstairs. "Are you sure you want to go to school? You seemed pretty upset yesterday?" My mom asked, I know she cares but I can't miss a day because of drama, especially because I want to talk to Olivia. I need to make her forgive me because she is my best friend. "I'm fine, I want to go to school," I say, determined now to at least explain to Olivia why I didn't talk to her. "Ok if you want to," my mom says, careful to not push any buttons. We drive to school, of course, this is the one day we are barely on time. I get to class just barely before the bell rings. I go to sit at my table with my friends and realize there are no more seats like they moved one away. That hurts but I just ignore it, I get it they are mad. When I go to pull up a chair Kylie says "Sorry but I think you should sit somewhere else from now on." "What?" I say I know they are mad but they can't want me to go away. I look to Olivia for support and she won't even look at me. So I put the chair back and turn to find somewhere to sit, I see Ivy waving me over. I know I wasn't going to accept her offer but if my friends truly don't want me then maybe I should. I walk over "Hey I saw that your friends weren't letting you sit with them today," She says trying to be nice to me. I was surprised that she is genuinely being nice to me. I thought she was just trying to hurt Olivia but she has already done that so there is no real reason to keep me around. "I mean you can sit with us, we have enough space," She says I can't read her tone very well but I silently nod and sit down, "Thanks," I say. "It's no problem," she says. We don't talk too much during class but I spend the rest of my morning keeping my distance from the group. I tried to talk to them, if they want me to apologize they can try now. Soon it is biology, I still dread it but it is slightly better now that me and Ivy are on talking terms, I wouldn't say friends yet, but who knows. "Hey," she says as I approach our desk. "Hi," I say it's awkward but I don't care that much. "I know there was a lot of drama but I genuinely do need your phone number to contact you outside of class," She says sheepishly almost as if she feels awkward asking. "Sure," I say and I write it down and hand it to her. She puts it into her phone and puts "Bio Partner" as my name. She then sends me a text so I can save her number too. We finish exchanging numbers and the bell rings for class to begin.

Class ends and I nearly rush out of the classroom but I realize there is no point in rushing so I take my time, "Hey do you mind if I sit with you today I don't think my friends want to speak to me right now" I ask. "Yeah totally," she says. So I walk with her and the rest of her friends to the cafeteria. We enter the cafeteria and my eyes instantly dart to my friends' table. They are staring at me in disbelief all except for Olivia her face is guarded and emotionless completely unlike her normal expression. We make eye contact for a brief second before I look away and I feel my heart break again. I walk over to Ivy's table and kinda just sit there, none of them say anything to me. They all just accept that I am here and move on, no doubt if I wasn't a rank 2 they would have made a scene but power privilege I guess. This continues for a few weeks. Every day I sit with Ivy and her friends instead of my friends and it seems that my old friends have started to ignore me completely they never talk to me in class or outside of class, they don't message me even though they haven't blocked me just yet, and they just continue with their lives almost like I was never their friend. It hurts for a while, after about a week I stop trying to contact them at all including texting, and just let their contacts fall to the bottom of the list. I get over it eventually. My mom was questioning it at first but I told her I made new friends and me and Olivia didn't talk anymore. She tried to get me to let her fix it but I told her no and that I was fine. She eventually gave up.

Olivia's POV The end of the day comes and I am so exhausted I just want to go home and sleep. I get in my mom's car and she notices my lack of energy. "What's wrong?" she asks. "I got in a fight with Violet," I say trying not to cry again, "I don't want to talk about it and it can't be fixed right now" "Ok I understand," She says "But I am here to talk or help if you want." We leave the conversation there and the rest of the car ride home is filled with an awkward silence that makes me squirm. The next day I get up I barely slept but I didn't cry much, then again I never have been much of a crier. I get up and get ready for school. I nearly asked to stay home but I knew I had to go. I walk downstairs and tell my mom I am going to school today. She doesn't try to stop me, we get in the car and drive to school. I am nervous walking towards my classroom, I don't want to see Violet right now. Luckily enough for me, she isn't there but the rest of my friends are. "Hey Olivia, how are you doing?" Alice asks with caution, I know she doesn't want to set me off. "I'm okay I guess," I say. "That's better than not okay at least," Kayden says. I know he is trying to make jokes to make us more comfortable so I give him a small smile to show I appreciate his efforts. We all decide to walk into class a couple of minutes early, we take our normal seats but Kylie takes Violet's normal seat and moves it, "What are you doing?" I ask sadly. "Look you need space so this will show that you need space, we can talk to her later. Ok?" She says firmly, knowing there is no point in arguing I agree and that is it. A minute later Violet walks in and I see in her face she is upset that her chair isn't at our table. She starts to pull up a chair when Kylie interrupts her and says "Sorry but I think you should sit somewhere else from now on." I see confusion and hurt on Violet's face and I feel bad but I keep my eyes down and don't look at her. I know Kylie is just protecting me and I need to trust her. "What?" Violet asks, it hurts to hear the pain in her voice but I keep my eyes down and refuse to look up. After a few awkward seconds, I look up a little to see her walking towards Ivy. I notice they have a short conversation and Violet sits down. For the rest of the class, I try to focus but I can't, my eyes keep drifting towards where Violet is sitting. Eventually class ends and me and my friends walk to our classes. Everything is pretty much fine for the rest of the morning, we keep our distance from Violet and she stays away from us and we go on with our day.

I wasn't prepared for what happened at lunch, me and my friends are all sitting at our table when we see Violet walk in accompanied by Ivy and the rest of the group. So she chose them which is fine I guess but don't expect forgiveness from any of us. She looks at our table analyzing our faces but I make sure to hide the hurt on my face. Then we lock eyes for a brief second before she looks away and walks off. It hurt to see her with Ivy but I can't say it wasn't expected. "Wow, She moved on quickly," Kayden says with a very harsh and cold tone. "Yeah I can't believe she picked the bullies of all people, I should have known she would become one of them," Kylie says with hate in her voice. Wow, I can't believe they are bashing her, I know she hurt us but it's Violet she has been their friend for years. "Come on guys that's not nice," I say in an almost pleading tone "I know she hurt us but she is only with them because we excluded her" "Look, Olivia, I know you two have been friends for years but she has finally become what she was avoiding for some time now," Kylie said. It hurts but I know it's true she belongs with them and we don't but I'm so sick of this ranking shit. Why is it that friendships are torn apart because of the ranking system? It is stupid. "You are right," I say. I know it will be hard but I have to let her go for her sake and mine, I can't keep pretending anymore. The conversation ends there and we continue like this for the next few weeks. I started to get used to life without Violet, she stopped texting after a few days which helped. The first time I saw a text from her I wanted to reply and it broke me ignoring her. Eventually, I became less depressed and even started to feel like normal again. My mom finally accepted the fact that me and Violet were done and stopped pestering me to let her fix it.

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