Chapter IV

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Me and Kylie walk to Biology which is in the Science hall. We get there 5 minutes before class starts but we see other students in the classroom so we walk in and look at the board. On the board there is a seating chart, we scan it quickly to find our seats and by some miracle we are sitting together so we find our seats and sit down. Then when we are sitting I look over it a bit closer to see who else is in the class and thankfully none of Ivy or her friends are in this class. Kylie and I walk to Biology which is in the Science Hall. We get there 5 minutes before class starts but we see other students in the classroom so we walk in and look at the board. On the board there is a seating chart, we scan it to find our seats and by some miracle, we are sitting together so we find our seats and sit down. Then when we are sitting I look over it a bit closer to see who else is in the class and thankfully none of Ivy or her friends are in this class. "Kylie It looks like none of Ivy and her friends are in this class," I say quietly because I don't want people overhearing our conversation. "Oh, thank goodness I did not want to sit through another class with them" She whispers. "I know right! they are so annoying and they act like they rule the school" "Exactly! they are not the only ones with rank 2's at this school" "Yeah I think there are 2 of each at our high school right?" "That sounds right because it is her and her 3 friends, and then your sister who is.." "oh my sister is earth" "Right and then Violet who is fire," "There are two others but I think they are both 11th graders" "yeah but let's be honest Violet is the only one who doesn't walk around like she is the ruler of the school" "Yeah you are right but at least you don't have to live with my sister she is constantly bragging about how great she is and how I will never be as great as her because all the rank 2 spots in our community is filled" "yeah but whatever you get it will be great I promise" "Thanks," I say a little bit disheartened.

Ring The bell signaling the beginning of class goes off. "Hello, students, Please come in quickly and find your seats," The teacher says. After everyone is seated she walks up to the front of the class and begins talking to the class. "I am going to go over the rules of the class and how things are going to work, But before I do that most of my classes had questions about the seating chart. So I will address that first." She says "First the seating chart was based on element and rank and if you didn't have an element."She says looking in my direction, "Then you were paired with someone who didn't have a compatible match in their rank." So that's how Kylie and I ended up at the same table. She has the element of death so most people don't want to sit next to her. "Now the next thing I hope you like your seat partner because you two will be together for the rest of the semester. I don't do seat changes," you can hear some groans but also some cheers from the class. I'm silently celebrating in my head because I get to sit with my friend for an entire semester and I can tell by the smile on Kylie's face that she is doing the same thing. "Quiet down please let's continue with the class rules and expectations," She says. "Now I am just going to say this now so there are no questions about it later on in class today. There are no student introductions or Icebreakers. If you have not already heard in a previous class or caught on to the fact that no other classes are doing them the school has said that tenth and up should not be doing ice breakers" She goes on to talk about the rules of the class and what is going to be expected of us in her class. "My name is Eva, and you will address me as Ms. Regan," she says. Eventually, the class ends and we head to our next class. We meet up with Alice, Violet, and Kayden, we talk for a little and then Me, Violet, and Kylie walk to Study hall while Alice and Kayden head to Biology. On our way to Study hall, we notice that Ivy and her little group are walking towards Study hall which means they are probably going to have that class with us. I was hoping I would not have to see her in any more of my classes today. We walk into the class and I see I was right. They are there sitting in the front of the classroom so I lead my friends towards the back of the class hoping to avoid conflict with her.

The bell to signal the class is starting goes off. The last few students walk into the classroom and pick their seats. "Hello class my name is Hellena, and I am your Study hall teacher for this year," She says "Even though this is a study hall we do have a schedule, So, on Mondays Wednesdays, and Friday you can do group or collaborative work those are also the days you can ask me for tutoring. On Tuesdays and Thursdays you need to do individual work, minimal talking because some people need quiet to focus" I think that seems fair I say in my head, It gives time for both. "Now that does not mean you can just mess around with your friends on collaborative days you do need to be working or I will move you apart for the rest of that week," She says. "With that out of the way do you have any questions?" A few students raise their hands and ask about attendance and things like that. She answers all of the questions and says "Ok for the last 20 minutes of class you can all relax and talk with your friends because I know you haven't gotten any homework yet" Me, Violet, and Kylie quickly turn our chairs so we are all facing each other and start talking. "This class should be a nice break from all the other ones," I say. "Yeah and we can get work done so we don't have to deal with it outside of school," Kylie says. "Yes that will be nice, Also what are you two doing after school?" Violet asks. "I think I'm going home. My sister drove me today and she usually likes to leave right away" I say. "Oh I'm pretty sure I am also going home right after school," Violet says. "Cool, maybe we could hang out at your house," I say. "I will talk to my mom about it," she says "But what about you Kylie, what are you doing after school" "I think me and Kayden are getting picked up almost immediately after school," Kylie says. "Well, at least you won't be stuck at school for a while," I say. "Yeah you are right," she says. And then just like that the bell rings signaling it is time to go "Bye class I will see you tomorrow" Our teacher says as we walk out the door.

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