Chapter 49: Party Gone Ruined

Start from the beginning

"We're trying to find the Organization's headquarters, in hopes of stopping them once and for all. But in order to do that, we need to find the entrance, which could be connected to any world out there, including this one," I answer.

"Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary since your last encounter with Xaldin?" Madison asks.

Beast ignores Madison's question as he turns away, his back now facing us. Before any of us can ask what his problem is, we see Belle walking down the stairs. Not only that, but she's wearing a beautiful yellow ballgown.

"Tonight is very important," Beast says, sparring my friends and I a glance.

Belle smiles in our direction then continues walking down the steps. Beast joins her, both of them now standing in front of the ballroom doors. They smile at each other. Beast bows to her, while Belle does a curtsy. He then holds his arm out for Belle, who gladly takes it, before they enter the ballroom.

"Seems we've come at a bad time," says Saito.

"Guess they're having one of those...Uh, what was it called again?" Heisuke asks.

"A date?" Luke guesses.

Heisuke nods his head. "Yeah, that's it!"

"Harmony, you said that one of the Organization's members, Xaldin, tried to turn Beast into a Heartless so that they could get his Nobody, right?" Madison asks.

I nod my head. "Yeah."

"Then we'd better stay and make sure nothing bad happens to them. If the Organization was trying to refill their ranks, something tells me they won't give up that easily. I would know, because they were very persistent in trying to find Namine, Harmonyx, Xamira and Roxas," Madison points out.

"So, if the Organization's really as persistent as you say, could that mean that the link to their world is somewhere in this one?" Nagakura asks.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Donald says, then takes off, running up the stairs.

"Donald!" I call out, not wanting him to ruin Belle and Beast's special moment.

With no other choice, the others and I go after him, entering the ballroom ourselves.

(3rd) POV:

As Belle and Beast walk to the center of the ballroom, they are soon joined by Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts and Chip.

"Now then, Monsieur, Mademoiselle. Please, enjoy the evening," Lumiere declares, taking a bow.

They all then hear the sound of someone entering the ballroom, making them turn their attention to see Harmony and the others.

(Harmony's) POV:

"And of course, our honored guests are welcome, too," Lumiere says.

"A welcome indeed," a familiar voice says.

Although it has been a while, I instantly recognize that voice. It's Xaldin, the same person who tried to manipulate Beast. Beast pulls Belle towards him, wanting to keep her safe, while my friends and I try to locate Xaldin. After a moment, I feel Stitch tap me on my shoulder.

Once he has my attention he points his finger at something. I look at where he's pointing at. And there he is, Xaldin, standing on the ballroom's indoor balcony.

Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel to the Legendary 8th Princess of HeartWhere stories live. Discover now