Chapter 6 - Mornings in the Manhattan Lodge

Comenzar desde el principio

Crutchie shakes his leg a bit, pretending to think. "Uhh- no rain..." he stops, before grinning. "Partially cloudy, clear by evening!"

Finch chuckles, sharing a look with Mush. "They outta bottle this guy!" He exclaims.

Crutchie blushes a bit. "It's nothing-"

Mush nods in agreement with Finch.

"Yeah, and the limp sells fifty papes a week," Race starts, shooting Crutchie a playful smile. "All by itself." He teases.

"And the smile is another fifty." Knobs mutters, sitting down with his notebook.

Crutchie smiles playfully. "I don't need the limp to sell papes!" He exclaims, grinning. "I got personality!"

"The personality of an Angel." Knobs mutters, writing in his notebook.

Albert and Race share chuckles, looking down at Knobs.

Crutchie: It takes a smile that spreads like butter
The kind that turns a lady's head

Finch chuckles softly, ruffling Crutchie's hair.

Race pulls Buttons in the middle of him, Albert, and Finch. "It takes an orphan with a stutter." He continues, playfully holding Buttons' chin.

Buttons pouts jokingly, causing Race to smile.

Finch covers Buttons' eyes. "Who's also blind!" He sings, grinning.

"And mute!" Albert covers his eyes.

"And dead!" Elmer pretends to smack Buttons' head.

The four boys laugh together, exchanging hand signs.

Crutchie laughs.

Newsies: Summer stinks and winter's freezing
When you works outdoors
Start out sweatin
End up sneezin'
In between it pours!

Race watches Henry pretend to dumb water on Tommy boy, who laughs.

He smiles.

Race ends up getting dragged into doing some tricks with other boys.

Still it's a fine life
Carrying the banner with me chums
(Still it's a fine life carrying the banner with me chums)

Race does an aerial type flip, earning some applause from his brothers.

He jokingly bows, laughing with them.

A bunch of big shots
Tossin' out a freebie to the bums
(A bunch o' big shots tossin' out a freebie)

Finch stops all of them. "Hey! What's the hold up?
Waiting makes me antsy!
I likes livin' chancey!"

Newsies: Harlem to Delancey!

Race grins. He loved doing this.

What a fine life!
Carrying the banner through the-

They were stopped by the Nuns, who were passing out bread and coffee to them.

Nuns: Blessed children
Though you wander lost and depraved
Jesus loves you
You shall be saved

Race smiles at one of the Nuns thankfully.

She smiles back.

"Thanks for the grub, Sister!" Elmer exclaims, grinning brightly.

"Elmer," the eldest Nun starts. "When are we going to see you inside the Church?" She asks, an eyebrow raised.

"I don't know, Sister!" Elmer's accent slipped out slightly. "It's bound to rain sooner or later!" He jokes.

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