How on earth did he knew that?

But of course, he's the powerful Salvatore Orsini no information eluded him. If there's anything he doesn't know it only means that he has no interest in matter as simple as that.

I tried not to show any emotion in my face but I guess I can't help it since the old man smiled knowingly in my face.

"I think I hit a nerve."

"Whatever we have stay out of it, father. I don't want you to butt-in with Violet's career. I am warning you."

There was a cold calculated smiled fitted his face. "Ah, smitten, I see."


There was unmistakable warning on my voice but the old man ignore it. "Tell me," he started, rather enjoying this more that he should have. "Did she refused your marriage proposal already?"

I let out an angry sighed. "I am not having this conversation with you. I am not discussing my relationship with Violet."

Well, we're not really into a relationship. How should I describe our association?

Secretly dating?

Dio. I don't even know how to explain our relationship. All I know is that if we want to see each other it will be in secret. Right now Violet's focus is solely in her career which I understand.

Well, sort of.

"I think you have no future with her, figlio." My father announced, dragging me out of reverie.

My eyebrows drew together while looking at him. "What makes you say that?"

He looked at me straight in the eye while he sat back from his chair. "I think you are just waiting vain. You are just wasting your time waiting for her when you can find woman suitable to be your bride. Think about it, Alfonso. That woman might not want to have a children even if she marries you. Bearing children might ruins someone body figure, after all.

I glared at my father hotly. "Violet is not that shallow, padre. We have talk about this in the past, once she established her career that's the time we'll talk about our relationship."

The old man cocked a brow. "So up until that time you are her kept secret like a dirty laundry? That's quiet pitiful if you will ask me, son."

I tried not to cringe at my father's words but hell if he didn't hit a bull's eye. "I don't want to talk about this anymore, father. Besides, like her I also don't want to get married yet. I think you're ultimatum has no use in me. I will marry when I think it's already the right time. You cannot force me to do this crap. I am already a grown man."

"I think you will marry sooner than you think, figlio." My father stated with a strange smile in his face that I don't trust. "If you will just find the right woman whom to marry you will forget this actress in no time. Some girl who can spark your interest."

"My interest is solely focus on Violet, father." I informed him harshly.

So why an image of a beautiful brunette with enchanting blue-green eyes suddenly crossed my mind. I shook my head immediately. That's absurd, I just found her fascinating not those usual ladies I met who always bat their lashes on me. She's just a breath of fresh air, that's all.

"I think you are lying." Father remarked. "I can see on your face right now. Sometimes the woman for you will come when the least you expect her. Who knows she's just right around the corner."

I took a deep breath, trying not to let my father to get the better of me. I am aware that he doesn't like Violet's line of work because her life is always on the public domain but I love Violet and my father needs to accept that if he wants me to settle down and have a family of my own. "Back off, father."

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