She was finally going back to Hogwarts for her sixth year. Next year it would over and she would have to be a functional adult in the real world. The four of them were in their normal cabin car on the Hogwarts Express and on their way to the castle they called home.

They didn't seem to believe her completely but they didn't mention it anymore, instead Marlene changed the subject by excitedly saying, "Aren't you excited, Ms. Head Girl?"

The blonde reached over and poked the gold pin attached to Karmen's jacket. To her surprise her had gotten Head Girl this year for Gryffindor. She didn't know how or why she had gotten it but she liked to think it was because of her good relationship with McGonagall. She had never admitted it out loud, but if she could trade mothers, she would want Professor McGonagall as hers.

"Of course I am. I'm also nervous. I have no idea who the Head Boy is." She admitted, playing with a strand of her bouncy hair as Marlene always did.

"Oh, you know it's going to be Lupin. Why wouldn't it? He's probably the most respectful and responsible boy in our grade." Lily said, leaning back against Marlene's shoulder.

"She's right, though. He's managed to keep Black and Potter alive so I'm sure he's going to be Head Boy." Alice reasoned both standing up and continuing, "You know what? Let's go see. I want to see if I'm right."

"There's like a 98% percent chance that you're wrong but I would like to see as well. Who knows, it could be Black." Lil said, also getting up and grabbing Karmen's hand to pull her up.

The three girls walked out as Marlene noticed that they all left. She rolled her eyes before saying, "Well if you're all going." getting up and following them to the boys compartment.


Marlene seemed to get ahead of the pack and was now leading the way to the Marauders cabin car. She opened the door without knocking or anything, "Hey, boys." before sitting next to Sirius. They were surprising good friends since they had something in common, liking the same gender as themselves.

The blonde was wearing a low cut, v-neck black sweater and some jeans with a thick belt that matched. Alice was leaning against the door in a black cardigan, white turtleneck and cream plaid pants. Lily was wearing something similar, a tan plaid jacket, a cream sweater and pale jeans.

Karmen was the most mesmerizing of all to James. She was wearing a shortened crop top under a brown suit and pointed black heels. His eyes seemed to light up when he saw the glint of the gold badge pinned to her lapels. She was breathtaking, as per usual.

 She was breathtaking, as per usual

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"Hey, guys. Remus, did you get your Head Boy pin yet?" Alice asked, Lily already standing behind Karmen, placing her chin on her shoulder.

"I'm actually not Head Boy." Remus said with a smile. He seemed much more pleased than anyone would have thought as they all thought that he was a prime candidate for Head Boy.

"Then who is?"

"James, why are you wearing a Head Boy pin?" Marlene questioned as she had finally noticed the gold pin that matched Karmen's own but only with the words 'Head Boy' instead.

"Because I'm Head Boy." James said with a victorious smirk, making Karmen's jaw almost drop completely.

'He's Head Boy?!'

"No, he can't be the head boy!" Karmen said loudly as if James wasn't actually there but he didn't seem to mind, the wide smile on his face not leaving.

"Of course I can! We are gonna have so much fun, love." He said with a cheeky grin, standing up and leaning against the door frame so they were very close.

The messy haired girl didn't move, seemingly not bothered by the small space between them as she glared at him. He thought it almost looked playful but could have been just a trick of the eyes.

The six others were watching them as they tried to cut the (sexual) tension with a knife. But then Karmen moved back and started to make her way back to the Reines compartment. The three other girls said their goodbyes before quickly following her, leaving James with a love sick smile as he thought about all the things they could do during their night rounds together.

 The three other girls said their goodbyes before quickly following her, leaving James with a love sick smile as he thought about all the things they could do during their night rounds together

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