A Sudden Invite?

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I arose quite early the next day. My head was feeling rather, groggy. What did I do last night?

Really now? Now's not the time for morning wood!

My little friend was standing up, ready to take on any challenges. I felt a weight pressing on my right leg. I peeked under the blanket to see... my sister? Moreover, she's naked?

"Asahina!" I shook her awake.

"What are you doing in my bed?! Moreover, put some clothes on!" (Makoto)

"Huh? Ah. Good morning nii-san~ Yesterday was fun, right?"

"What do you mean, yesterday- whoa!"

She pushed me to the bed again and began kissing me furiously.

"Asahina! Stop!"

At first it felt good. But even so, there are lines that we musn't cross as brother and sister.

"Eh? But nii-san, we already did it. Let's do it again!"

"Huh? What do you mean- wait! Asahina!"

I was forcefully pinned and assaulted by my little sister.

"Stop!" I pushed her away, put on my clothes, and walked out of the room.


I didn't bother responding. She's done something unforgivable.

I met up with Takata in the hallway, and we decided to go to a nearby pancakes place.

On the way, I explained to Takata what happened.

"Damn. Your sister's gone crazy. Did she really do you?"

I nodded.

"It's all good man. Come on, let's go eat."

Taking my mind off the earlier incident, I ordered a pile of pancakes, drizzled it with some syrup, and ate it quickly.

The sweet taste of the syrup energized me instantly, along with the coffee I ordered. We were still in isolation, so everything was of course, paid by the school.

After finishing our breakfast, we headed towards the school. Hoverboards powered by wind magic were quite popular these days. We rented two of them and used them to fly to school.

Today was the first "official" day of school. The real lessons would be starting now, as yesterday was sort of a, "trial" period.

Takata and I headed towards class. There was only a few minutes before homeroom, so we took our seats.

Asahina was over in front of the class, not looking too good. Maybe she was feeling bad about what she did. I hope she is.

After we sat down, Futaba-sensei entered the room.

"Alright. Good morning. Short introduction again, I'm your class teacher, Futaba Tamori. Today's your first official day of school. Time to get studying!"

She began to turn on the holographic whiteboard behind her, and began to teach us about Mana Control.

"Mana Control is very important. Your input of mana could very well change the result of the magic spell. Too little makes it weak, too much makes it strong. Sometimes it won't even appear. That's why this is beneficial. Okay. Someone come up to front and demonstrate a simple magic spell. Go on, any basic magic spell.

"Ah yes. Takata-kun. Please come up."
She called him in random.

"Uh, sure." (Takata)

As Takata headed to the front of the class, he began to get envious stares.

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