3. Don't Mess With Food!

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While having lunch with the cast, Dylan decided to invite them to MY room. Which I don't normally mind but why mine?

- Because your place is the only one out of the two of us that has food in the fridge! - Dylan says with normal enthusiasm of Dylan. 

- Yeah, and we wanna see where are your rooms! - Ki says with the same tone as Dylan.

I already know that Dyl and Ki will be best friends in no time. I think Thomas and Will are not so childish but they are still a bit childish. They all will get along well. But for me? For me I... I don't know, most people would say that I'm a bruh girl with a sense of fashion. I like to be alone but I think Dylan will drag me along. 

- OK let's go! -Ki

We all go to our hotel and into my room. I don't really mind I guess. Ki and Dylan straight up jump on the couch. While Thomas, Will, and Kaya just go around and normally sit down.

- So what do you wanna do!- K (K= Kaya)

- I don't know wanna watch a movie? - V

They all nod and I go to my room and get my laptop. I plug in my laptop to the TV and set up Netflix and another website just in case Netflix doesn't have the movie.

- Which movie do you guys wanna watch? - V

- You pick! - Dyl

- Ok, umm let's watch,, Thor: Ragnarok''! - I say as I set up the movie.

- She's a Marvel fan, you guys will have to get used to it.- D says and gets up and opens the fridge.

Five minutes later we see Dyl with a bag of chips, and a big bottle of Coke. He puts the snacks on the table and goes back for the cups, brings them back, and says:

- Hey V, where are the gummies at? I can't find them.

- In the second cabin over the fridge.- V

With that, he goes back to the kitchen once again and comes back with the gummies as expected. He places them on the table and sits back on the couch. 

It's the scene where ValkyRae gets Thor but falls off of her spaceship. We all laugh uncontrollably and we laugh for what feels like hours, then some of us make jokes and we unpause the show. I love that they understand me and my jokes. I haven't met a lot who do. It's nice.

The movie ends and we turn to each other. We do that at the same time so we all just start laughing! It was a dumb laugh but hey I haven't laughed like this in a while. 

I stand up and go to my room, I wanted to take polaroids of us. I thought it would be cute. Bud dare I go back when I go back what I see, damn, I thought I could avoid this.

Dylan is chasing Ki all around the room. Screaming and shouting random things. The other watch and laugh.

- What happened? - V

- Ki Hong threw out the gummie from Dylan's hand.- T (T=Thomas)

- Get him Dyl, he deserves it! - I shout knowing that everyone will turn to me.

They do. And I can see they have questions.

- Are you ok?- T


- I'm sorry what? - K

- I thought you wore the one who would never be on Dylan's side? - Will

- I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it was a joke! Please don't kill me!- Ki

- First of all, I'm not going to kill you second, it's me your sister, third of all yes I don't be on Dyl side often but when I do you will probably die, fourth of all yes I'm fine, AND MOST OF ALL DONT MESS WITH FOOD!

- Lesson learned, never messing with food ever again- T

- Same, bro, same.- W (W=Will)

- Good now what do you guys wanna do? - V

- Let's play truth or dare?- W suggests.

- Sure, I haven't played it in a long time. - V

AUTHOR: cliffhanger! Tnx for 5 reads I thought it would take longer for people to actually see its and I thought I was going to just write for fun and take it personally if I have 1 read. So Thank you definitely didn't expect it but here's the third part. I made it longer. If you find any grammar mistakes please let me know. If you have any suggestions please let me know too.

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