¯°·._.•Entrance Exam•._.·°¯

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Beep Beep Beep

I woke up to the sound of annoying beeping from my phone. Wasn't the best start to the day like always. I open my eyes and quickly turn off the alarm for my phone and hop out of bed. It was 6am so I had some time before the entrance exam started.                   

"I finally get to see what UA is like," I think to myself while I'm brushing my teeth.  I look around the bathroom to view the pure emptiness. I didn't know what to expect when I decided to move into this apartment by myself but it sure is lonely. I proceed to go to my closet and just pick out a comfortable fit. I put on a black hoodie and dark blue jeans with white tennis shoes and then head outside. I didn't put a shirt underneath the hoodie because it was hot as hell outside the comfiness of an apartment with AC. I grab my wallet and head out to go to a nearby coffee shop. I put in my headphones and listen to Doja Cat while peacefully walking down the street. Once I arrived at the coffee shop, I ordered a caramel frappuccino and sat down near a window. I was waiting for my order when I noticed a tall kid with dark blue hair race across the street. He had some kind of metal in the calf's of his legs.

"Strange... must be a quirk or something. Maybe he's going to the entrance exam too?" I thought to myself. Once I got my frappuccino I got up and headed off to the location of the entrance exam. I picked up two swords that I kept in this storage room when I first arrived.

"These things are a real beauty y'know," The storage keeper said.

"Oh yeah, they were really expensive," I replied. I then looked at the time to see that I only had 20 minutes left to get to the exam site. "SHIT" I got up and sprinted out the building thanking the keeper on the way out for holding onto my swords. Once I got to the entrance exam I panted in exhaustion trying to catch my breath. "I did pretty well on the written exam so if I do well in this it'll be extremely likely  I'll get in with no problem." I got up to the front of the starting line and listened as Present Mic explained the rules to the applicants. I basically just go to kill as many robots as I can this'll be easy, I looked around to see some people already panicking; especially this green haired kid. I giggled and then looked ahead of me ready for the exam."





I lunged forward racing ahead to be the first to kill a robot. I looked next to me to see that kid with engines go past me at incredible speed. "Interesting," I see a few robots to my left and run there and engage in combat with them. I looked directly at the robot's wheel below, activating my quirk and making the wheel stop which made the robot fall and gave me the chance to jump over it slashing it with both my swords, destorying it in one go. Another robot came up from behind me and swung its arm at me which I responded by quickly ducking below, and then thrusted my sword above me severing its arm. I followed up with a speedy sweep kick at its feet which got it off its balance. I then did the same sequence as before leaving the robot on the ground. I continued killing the robots for about 3 minutes.

"And that makes 52 robots." I ran more towards the center of the area so I could steal some kills while catching my breath from the fight before. I see a robot going for that green haired guy and smiled as I just knew he was about to get beaten up. Unfortunately some french looking kid shot a laser straight through the robot and killed it. I sighed and moved on forward to find myself looking at several other robots just floating in the air. I jumped up piercing my swords in the ground and then jumped on them to give me a boost and got on top of a robot and pierced its head with my hidden knife. Then everything suddenly stopped floating and just fell to the ground I was able to hop off and get to ground safety but the majority of those robots in the air crashed and died.

"Sorry!" I turned around to see a round faced brown haired girl worn out on the ground.

"Its okay! My bad for not knowing what was going on and just attacking without thinking." I see she was about to say something else but then I felt a rumble. And then it rumbled louder. Getting louder and louder. We looked up and saw the nefarious zero point robot the size of a whole giant. I looked in the opposite direction and ran back to save myself. I know my limits, there is NO way I can take down that whole robot even with all my effort. While I was running away I heard a loud "HELP." That brown haired girl was stuck under a piece of debris. I looked back and stopped in my tracks terrified.

"Should I help this girl? I mean she did say sorry to me before instead of just being rude... but at the same time that's just common courtesy... The logical thing would be to just leave her because even if I manage to kill that thing I won't get any points... but it might look good in general and there's still a chance that this is a trick aspect of the exam and that it gives an enormous amount of poin-" Just then I heard a loud crash and saw that green haired kid knocking the giant out with only one punch.

"Since when was that bitch strong-" I said completely flabbergasted.

"He saved her with barely any thought about himself... and was able to take out that huge ass thing.."

I see him falling down with broken legs and arms heading straight towards the ground. The brown hair girl was too tired to make him float probably, so he might die from this. I stared into his eyes and stopped him in midair 2 feet above the concrete floor.

Midoriya POV:

I tried opening my eyes through the stream of tears generated by the immense pain in my arms. I was flailing like a maniac. I was about to use my other arm to also punch the ground to break the fall but before I could; I looked into the face of someone with glowing yellow eyes and suddenly my vision got darker and there was a buzzing sound in my head. I had stopped in midair. It was terrifying. It was as if I was supposed to die already but suddenly cheated death itself and found a way to live. It was like I was stuck in time not being able to move an inch while everyone else could move about freely. I think I saw All Might to the side of me just watching me with a frown. I started crying more until the darkness went away in an instant.


After stopping the green idiot from dying, several people came to catch green hair kid when I let him go and the nurse was there to heal his wounds. She kissed him on the lips and all his injuries were instantly gone. Even the broken bones, to be honest I was hella impressed. Green hair got back up on his feet and looked at me all aloof like.

"What was that-" green haired guy then looked at me confused on what just happened.

"I used my quirk on you to freeze you in mid air, sorry if I scared you." I said then walked away out of the scene knowing that I made the right choice. "I may have choked in saving the round face person but I was able to be the hero of the hero which might give me an extra point or two. Plus I didn't even have to fight a whole ass robot." I exited the perimeter of the exam content and still kicking.

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