Wake Me Up Inside

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These chapter titles might not all be relevant to the chapters they Prelude, they'll just be memes, song titles, and pop culture references.


When he saw Mephisto amongst the gravestones, Rin almost turned to Yukio and asked who the hell invited a clown to their father's funeral.

"Ah, Okumura Rin, at last. I've waited a long time to meet you." The man said, poison-green eyes taking in the boy before him. Shorter than he'd expected, but the boy's mother had been an unfortunate height.

And.her oldest son was her spitting image. Sapphire-blue eyes glaring up at him just like Yuri used to. Yuri's softer features hardened just so by Satan's. Messy black hair in short curls and waves reminscent of Yuri.

Yukio looked more like Satan and Shiro, but there were still similarities between the two boys. Interesting. He wondered if anyone in the Grigori had ever made the connection. Probably not if they hadn't taken the younger twin and tossed him in a cell or a lab. In fact, they'd probably assumed Yukio was the result of one of Shiro's many one night stands from his younger days. Mephisto never would have imagined those would actually save a child's life, but here they were.

"I am Mephisto Pheles, Director of Japan Branch of the Order of the Knights of True Cross. I'm also your legal guardian now that Shiro's met his end, as per the deal we made." He introduced himself, bowing as his cape flared. Perfect!

Rin only raised an unimpressed eyebrow while his twin narrowed his eyes. Ouch, tough crowd.

"You see, Shiro and I made a deal when you two were born, just little babes. If he were to ever falter and get possessed by Satan again, I'd take you in until you were of legal age. Unfortunately, that's a personal matter and I'm here on orders." Mephisto explained.

Rin frowned and so did Yukio. That didn't sound good. Ah, there was the combined glared of Egin and Fujimoto in this frowns and narrowed eyes and crossed arms. So familiar, yet so new.

"You have two options: Kill us and run, or turn yourself in right here and be executed by the Order once they find out who you are. Oh, and there's the option of suicide, so I suppose there's three options." The man said all of this while smiling genially.

Surprisingly, it was Yukio who almost launched himself at the man to deliver a right hook to the jaw. Rin caught him and held him back, shaking his head before turning back to Mephisto.

"Eat shit, clown. My dad just died to keep me alive and my little brother spent his entire childhood training to protect me. I'm not wasting that. Let me become an Exorcist." He said firmly. If Yukio hadn't been there, Rin probably would've decked Mephisto himself. But, he was the big brother and had to be the responsible one at least once in a while.

Mephisto burst into loud, obnoxious laughter, drawing several confused looks from the Exorcists surrounding them.

"You?! Become an Exorcist?!" He wheezed. The boy didn't budge, flat expression watching the guy dressed as a clown laugh at his demand. Yukio backed him up with the same expression and position. They really did look like twins when they mirrored each other like that....

Mephisto finally realized they weren't joking. "Oh, you were serious. Well, alright then! What would you do if you became an Exorcist, Rin?" Mephisto wondered.

"I'm gonna take that son of a bitch Satan down for giving me a shit hand. We'll see how he likes it on the other end of the sword." Rin answered immediately.

"Oh?" The Director raised a curious brow. "Well, that sounds very interesting and it's been rather boring since you went home with Shiro all those years ago, so I'll accept that bargain! You will attend my school starting Monday and attend the Exorcist Cram School to learn with other trainees. I hope you're prepared to decieve all of your classmates, Rin Okumura. It's going to be a tough run for you from here on out." The man grinned wide despite the foreboding words he delivered.

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