We flickered our flashlights and Walter and Jesse drove the truck inside.

Cecilia went to hang out with Natalie and they happily agreed to dog watch Onyx for me while I hung out with Jesse, and by hung out, I mean breaking them into the police station so they could destroy evidence... isn't that what everyone did for fun nowadays?

Walter and Jesse ran back into Mike's car once they were all done and we sped away, leaving the truck filled with magnets behind.

"Yes, bitch!" Jesse celebrated as we both sat in the back, I let Walter have shotgun.

"Shut up," Mike grumbled. "What exactly are you celebrating, you left the truck behind?"

"So what?" Walter scoffed.

"And what if they find prints?" Mike questioned, "And what if they trace it back to the wreckage yard?"

"They won't... there's no prints I made sure of that." Walter said and he sounded confident, "There's no paperwork on the truck, the magnet or the batteries — untraceable salvage all of it."

"Well you got all the answers, so you tell me, answer man, did all that even work just now?" Mike asked, he had zero faith in this plan. 

"Yes, it worked," Walter replied.

"Not to shit on your parade or anything but you don't know." I said. I was skeptical about the whole thing.

"Exactly what she said, am I supposed to take that on faith?"

"Because I say so," Walter said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Jesse looked down at me and even he didn't look all that confident in Walter's answers.

I put my hand on his leg and he shot me a smile before putting his hand on top of mine.


Brandon, Pete and I made our way over to the music store in town. Walter and Jesse needed help picking up something for them.

They had this bright idea to start cooking again, yes I know— they were idiots. I even told them how stupid of an idea this was and Saul agreed with me but, they both needed money. Walter had a family to feed and Jesse had a house to pay for alone.

Pete was messing around on the piano which sounded surprisingly good and Brandon came in and ruined the flow by strumming his guitar obnoxiously.

"We sound great," Brandon said with a smirk.

"Rock on man. Solid." The store clerk said as he walked up to us. "That Yamaha's got a real nice touch."

"Yeah it's really nice but we're looking for something else today. You got any roadie cases?" Pete asked the worker.

"For sure, what size?"

"The biggest you've got," I told him.

"That'll fit through, like a regular size doorway." Pete added and we followed the clerk to the other side of the store.

I handed Pete in measuring tape as the clerk explained the cases— sorry dude but we couldn't care less about the laminated walls it has.

"Height is good, width is good," Pete said, staring at his arm where he wrote down what he needed to remember. "How much weight will this hold?"

"It's rated for 900 pounds so unless your band plays lead bricks you should be okay." The guy replied.

"We're gonna need—" but Pete was interrupted by Brandon who started strumming his guitar again.

"Brandon stop!" I yelled, "Brandon!"

He stopped playing and looked over at us.

"We're trying to do business over here, bitch." Pete said and the clerk looked at us funny.

"Sorry, I should have leashed him." I apologized, "He's overly enthusiastic."

The clerk didn't know if he should laugh or not because I said it with such a straight face but after I said it sounded like a good idea to me.

"Anyway... imma need four of them," Pete said.

"Four? Is that gonna be layaway? Cause I need to see a bunch of IDs for that." The clerk said.

I smirked at him, "We're paying cash."

"Okay." He said surprised, "I'll throw in stencilling what's your band called?"

We gave them the name 'Vamonos pest' since that was their fake little company name.

We dropped them off in some garage that Jesse and Walter were storing all their stuff in.

"Come to my place later, yeah?" Jesse asked me just before Pete, Brandon and I were going to go.

"I'm working a night shift." I told him.

"So then come after." He said, squeezing my hand.

"We'll see." I replied, both of us smirking at each other.

"You've never disappointed me before... you can't do it now." Jesse said and I scoffed playfully.

"Touché Jesse, I guess I'll see you later then—"

"Bring Onyx." He called out and I smiled to myself as I walked out of the garage.

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