"There's water in the fridge and some snacks in the top cabinet. I think you should get some rest before we land in DC," Emily said smiled as Carrie situated herself on the couch. Emily slid into the chairs as the teenager laid back onto the leather and almost instantly fell asleep. JJ slid into the seat across from Emily and just smiled at her.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" JJ asked and kicked a foot up on the seat below her.

"One hundred percent," Emily said and smiled softly as JJ glanced over at Carrie. "You know, there's just something about her. I've worked with so many kids in this line of work. But, there's just a feeling about her. She's a good kid. I just had to help her."

"You have a good heart, Em," JJ said and smiled softly. "I think the two of you are going to be just fine. There's something about you and kids that just makes sense. You'd be a great mom."

"You think so?" Emily asked as her eyes softened.

"She adores you already. You got this, Em," JJ said as she reached across the table and patted Emily's hand. The woman's heart rate kicked up at the gesture. JJ pulled back and settled back into her seat as her eyes shut. Emily just smiled as she looked out the window.

Carrie, however, had moved around on the couch and saw the interaction between the two women. She held back her comment of how red Emily was. That was a conversation to have in private with her. But there was no denying that Emily had a crush. It was written all over her face when she just looked at JJ. The blonde woman, however, was a bit harder to read. Carrie being a teenager, could pick up on cues that were hidden or not easily readable. But with JJ, she was a profiler. She was good at hiding her feelings. It was her job to read and not be read.

They had touched down in Washington DC at three o'clock in the morning. Emily and Carrie had made their way to Emily's apartment. The woman was lucky to have a two-story, two-bedroom apartment. Emily was just paranoid that she might have guests or other team members who would want to spend the night.

"Okay, so here's the apartment," Emily said and walked through the door. Carrie's eyes widened as she walked in. Emily gave off classy modern vibes, and that was precisely what could be used to describe this apartment. It was Emily.

Off-white walls, with black and white art pieces on the wall. There were numerous amounts of fake plants all over the place. Carrie didn't think it could be any more Emily until a black cat came out to the living room.

"Shit! You're not allergic to cats, are you?" Emily asked as she grabbed Sergio before he could go up to Carrie and sniff her. The teenager just set down her bag.

"No. What's his name?" Carrie asked as she walked up to Emily and gently petted the black cat on his head.

"Sergio," Emily said and made kissy noises as she cradled the cat in her arms. Carrie furrowed her eyebrows. "Yeah, don't ask. It's a long story."

"I like it," Carrie said and giggled as Sergio started to lick her hand. The cat fought Emily to get into Carrie's embrace. Emily finally caved and let go of the cat. Sergio happily jumped into Carrie's arms. "Oh, I like you already."

"Come on. Let's go show you around so the two of us can go to sleep," Emily said and grabbed Carrie's bag. The young woman followed Emily up the stairs. They entered the guest bedroom, and Emily turned on the light. It was pretty simple—just a bed and a chest of drawers that Emily had brought from her last apartment. "There's a bathroom in here. But if you want, you can also use the bathroom down the hall. And the two of us are going to the mall tomorrow morning to buy you some more clothes. We can even stop for breakfast if you're starving before we go. Whatever you want to do."

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