Chapter 2- The Assignment

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" I hear a familiar voice from behind me pop up. I smiled when I saw it was Olive. She was my sister's best friend, I know she ached just as much as I did when we heard about her death.

"Mornin'. " I say as I serve myself a cup of coffee and grab a bagel. "I hope I'm not late."

She grabs a cup of coffee as well and shakes her head,"Oh you are." She says as she adds sugar to her cup. "But the bossman is having a meeting at the moment so he probably wouldn't noticed."

I chuckled a bit,"As great as that sounds, I haven't clocked in, so I am officially late!" I say as I roll my eyes. Let's see what lecture awaits for me today. My dad treats me like I'm still in high school, he doesn't think I'm 'well prepared' for the world. I thought maybe joining as an officer would change his mind, but it clearly hasn't. No matter what I do, I'm never good enough.

"Well that's why YOU Officer Nicholas J. are so lucky to have ME as a friend." Olive says as she smiles proudly.

I raise an eyebrow,"And why is that Officer Olivia C." I question, mocking the same tone of voice she used on me.

"Because my dear friend according to the schedule, you are five minutes early." Olive says as a devious smile creeps up on her face.

I place my coffee cup on the counter and and embrace her. She has no idea what she just saved me from. "Liv, you're the best!" I exclaim. "I owe you one."

She giggles, "Well you can always buy me food!" She happily suggests.

An idea pops into my head,"Why don't I take you out to dinner instead?!" I have no idea why I just asked that.

Olive seems shocked. I basically just made things awkward. Great!

"Only if you want to." I quickly add.

"Uhm.." She thinks about it for a minute, and then she smiles. "Sure, I'd love to."

I smile,"Great.. uhm how does Saturday sound?!" Wow this just esculated quickly.

"Call me...?" She says with a smile, in which I gladly return. She then gets called into the K9 training center and dismisses herself with an awkward wave.

I did make things awkward. Crap. Why did I even basically asked her out on a date with me? Do I even have feelings for her? I'm aware that she does. I've heard rumors back in the school days that confirm my theory.

Well I hope she thinks that it's as friends, that'll probably make things a little less awkward.

"Nick!" I hear Matthew call out my name.

I turn around to face him,"Dude.. I think I just asked Liv on a date..?" I say when he's standing right in front of me.

He gives me a questioning look,"Wait, what?!" He asks, but before I can explain he quickly shakes his head and says,"Nevermind that. They captured one of The OutLaw's 'employees'!"

I feel my face harden at the mention of her. Damn it, why is she everywhere yet no where at the same time?

"They have? Who?" I question as I follow Matthew who has started walking towards the Conference Room.

Matthew shrugs,"Who knows but the boss man just called in an urgent meeting with you, Dayne, and I." He explains.

Honestly, having one of her many minions arrested gives me hope. He's going to have to spill sooner or later.

"Could we be a step closer?" I then ask my best friend.

He gives me a puzzled look. "A step closer to what?" He questions.

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